MasterNode appears twice


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Foundation Member
I launched a new MasterNode, and accidentally copied in the wrong IP address to darkcoin.conf. The IP address I used was for an existing MasterNode. Now the existing mn shows up twice when I do masternode list.

"" : 1,
"" : 1

I have since corrected the IP address in darkcoin.conf for both the local and remote of the new masternode, but I can't get the new masternode to show up in the list.

darkcoind masternode list | grep

Any suggestions for getting the new MN up and running? Should I just start over with a fresh wallet and server?

Also, do I need to worry about the double entry of my existing mn?
Thanks. Did a genkey for the new node. Both the new mn and existing mn are now showing up when I do a masternode list from the local wallet. No more duplicates for the existing mn. However, when I check from the server with darkcoind masternode list, the new node does not appear, and the existing one still show two entries. I'm assuming this will sort itself out over time as oblox mentioned.