Hi everyone,
I am Fusheini Lukman a dash digital cash ambassador in the the northern part of Ghana, a member of Centre for Liberty and entrepreneurship Ghana as well as working with Dashghana.
I have participated in several dashforce news meetups

Through the meetups, I formed a great team of five (5) active members and we are currently coming out with a great initiative to submit a proposal to the #Dashboost current cycle.
The link below shows a video of our Pre-proposal

The main objective of this project is to bring together CEOs of businesses, youth and investors within Wulensi in the northern part of Ghana to introduce dash digital cash to them for massive adoption and usage of dash as a medium of exchange as well as all the benefits of using dash against any other cryptocurrency and to accept dash as a medium of payment. making dash much more acceptable in the day to day activities of their businesses.

Wulensi district is a virgin land that have not heard about Dash and has a growing population of potential investors and business men, this proposal therefore seek to get more potential investors,youth and CEOs of businesses within the district to accept and integrate dash as payment mode.

Further details pertaining to our proposal can be found via the link below YOUTH TO INCREASE USAGE AND EXPAND OUTREACH
Kindly click on the link above to take a look at our proposal and also support us

Hello everyone
Pertaining to our funded proposal by #dashboost, we had a successful 2 hours radio discussion at Gmantambu Radio station within Nanumba districts of northern part of Ghana,I together with my great team member @Shuada presented an overview of dash digital cash, it's unique features among all other cryptocurrencies in the world and how dash is perfectly fit to be accepted as a medium of payment for goods and services to the hearing of about 5,000 inhabitants within the Nanumba district, we carefully took audience through the process of how to download and install a dash wallet as well as how to purchase or buy dash from local and international exchanges.
During the presentation we had a call session of which 53 audience called to ask some basic questions regarding wallet installation, how reliable dash is and the risk they are likely to face when they commit their funds into dash digital cash.
All concerns and grievances raced by our audience was addressed.
Management of the radio station got amazed at the great opportunities offering by dash digital cash and they intend to research more about dash.
Pictures of the radio discussion can be found via the link below
Thank you
we had another successful dash conference on wednesday 15th August, 2018 at Hill top guest house conference room within Nanumba districts of northern part of Ghana. Pictures of the conference can be found via the link below
much thanks to the entire #dashboost team
Short video explaining the safety aspect of dash wallet to the hearing of about 5,000 audience during our dash radio show at Gmantambu radio station within Nanumba districts of northern part of Ghana.