March 2016 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Community Members,

Please allow me to share another report of the Dash core team progress. Below, you will find our report covering activities performed through the end of March, grouped by the four strategic areas of focus for 2016.

  1. Software Development
    1. Dash core wallet - version 12.x (lead developer: Evan Duffield)
      1. the development work in progress
      2. version 12.1 will fix existing governance issues (contracts, controls)
      3. Evan worked out a new roadmap with detailed steps for development (to be published soon)
    2. Dash Evolution Web Wallet(lead developer: Andy Freer).
      1. the team is making a good progress on the design work - majority of the technologies were already selected and tested. Lots of proof of concept delivered.
      2. the team have set up a Jira board for each aspect of Evolution.
      3. stories are created and progress is being made.
      4. Skelton framework for the SPA has been completed and and acidburn will progress with this.
      5. An early prototype to demonstrate the new architecture has been completed to prove that the selected technologies will work well together.
    3. Dash wallet for Android - updated features (lead developer: HashEngineering):
      1. multiple issues with the core part of the wallet fixed by HashEngineering
      2. new look and feel improved by tomasz.ludek
      3. testing on different Android versions and devices in progress
    4. Dash iPhone Wallet
      1. work on new wallet design is in progress
      2. as foundation name has been changed, after it is published officially, the team is going for re-approval on Apple Store
    5. Electrum-Dash wallet development (external vendor: Mazaclub)
      1. Estimates for the work are collected
      2. Development work started in close cooperation with the Dash core dev tam
      3. MN operations functionality should be ready by the end of first week of May.
      4. Dash network started to support Electrum-Dash server operations
    6. Lamassu integration (external vendor: Deginner)
      1. Project is significantly delayd in time
      2. Alpha version of the wallet finished
      3. video with the Dash transaction performed on Lamassu ATM published:
      4. Work on improvement and bug fixing in progress
    7. Armory wallet (lead developer: moocowmoo)
      1. project development postponed until moocowmoo is done with the new forum delivery
  2. Business Development
    1. Fiat Gateways project launch: Parts of the project are:
      1. Fiat gateway (
      2. Coinapult Integration
      3. Open Source Backend Tools Development
      4. Development of the following open source tools for DASH:
    2. Work on integration with Exodus in progress
    3. Established contact with Liberland authorities
  3. Marketing and Communication
    1. Presentation at the Internet Freedom Festival by Fernando Gutierrez
    2. Bitcoins and Gravy podcast with Fernando Gutierrez
    3. New Merchant Buttons added to the Dash Promotional Graphics package:
    4. Work on a new website
      1. Project is delayed comparing to the original timelines
      2. Work on the website structure is in progress
      3. More detailed report available here: New-Website-Design-Project-Status-Report.pdf?api=v2
    5. New forum in domain.
      1. testing version of the forum is up and running (kudos to moocowmoo for an unbelievable involvement and excellent work done in this area)
      2. work on the migration of the content from the current forum in progress
      3. majority of the plugin-related issues resolved
  4. Project Organization
    1. New Dash Governance by Blockchain templates: DGBB Document templates
    2. Launch of work on the Dash projects management framework (framework to control and help with proper execution of the projects)
Original version of the report is available in the following location: 2016 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report
If you want to do something about Liberland you could have asked me. I am from Czech Republic and I know the president personaly.
Anyway, as I do have comunity pages in Czechoslovakia, could someone help me with being dash ambassador?
Established contact with Liberland authorities

If you want to do something about Liberland you could have asked me. I am from Czech Republic and I know the president personaly.
Anyway, as I do have comunity pages in Czechoslovakia, could someone help me with being dash ambassador?

This is totally nonsense!
"Liberland authorities" does not exist, Kot since you are from Hungary, you can verify this easily!

Please explain how funny story with Liberland can attract DASH being recognized as a serious project?

Who authorized this bad idea?
This is totally nonsense!
"Liberland authorities" does not exist, Kot since you are from Hungary, you can verify this easily!

Please explain how funny story with Liberland can attract DASH being recognized as a serious project?

Who authorized this bad idea?

I have to disagree rentahash.

It would be good marketing to be recognised as the official Liberland currency. Even if it is a made up argument like everything else in Liberland. There is no bad press when you want to be famous.
I have to disagree rentahash.

It would be good marketing to be recognised as the official Liberland currency. Even if it is a made up argument like everything else in Liberland. There is no bad press when you want to be famous.
They were trying to get there. But many were not alowed to get into country. They are threat to sovereignity of Croatia.

On the other hand, debts will in some years damage Croatia as well as other EU issues. So there is no need for violence, when your enemy is suicidal.
So glad to hear about Electrum integrating MN support for Trezor in May. This just ROCKS!

Will definitely be acquiring more master-nodes when this comes out.

Last month the Lamassu integration was reported delayed and the most recent update was this:

Sure, the original time estimate was 8 weeks, the project officially started on the 6th of January and by the original estimate should have been ready on the 6th of March. As the developers started to get into the weeds they discovered it would require more work. The new estimate is the first week of April so that is about a 30 day delay.

Now for this month it says the project is still "significantly delayed in time." Can we have a revised estimate?
I have to disagree rentahash.
It would be good marketing to be recognised as the official Liberland currency. Even if it is a made up argument like everything else in Liberland. There is no bad press when you want to be famous.

They were trying to get there. But many were not alowed to get into country. They are threat to sovereignity of Croatia.
On the other hand, debts will in some years damage Croatia as well as other EU issues. So there is no need for violence, when your enemy is suicidal.

You guys are missing the point here ... There is no any country called Liberland, this country only exists in tabloid newspaper as a good joke, and it was "famous" for few days only...

I could add that Vít Jedlička make this story for self promoting purpose only, but someone could get offended and that is not my attention :)

Nowadays nobody is speaking about it anymore... I see it more that DASH is giving Liberland(Vít Jedlička) a good marketing, and in the same way lowering its position and being recognized as a joke currency!!!

I ask again who authorized this bad idea?
You guys are missing the point here ... There is no any country called Liberland, this country only exists in tabloid newspaper as a good joke, and it was "famous" for few days only...

I could add that Vít Jedlička make this story for self promoting purpose only, but someone could get offended and that is not my attention :)

Nowadays nobody is speaking about it anymore... I see it more that DASH is giving Liberland(Vít Jedlička) a good marketing, and in the same way lowering its position and being recognized as a joke currency!!!

I ask again who authorized this bad idea?

Nobody authorised nothing
as usual somebody picked it up and it went from there :wink:
Vit offered us a sponsorship at his "conference' , we politely refused as it seemed to expensive and unprofessional, we are in friendly correspondence , who knows what this will turn into
we are totally aware of his or other agendas :rolleyes:
Nobody authorised nothing
as usual somebody picked it up and it went from there :wink:
Vit offered us a sponsorship at his "conference' , we politely refused as it seemed to expensive and unprofessional, we are in friendly correspondence , who knows what this will turn into
we are totally aware of his or other agendas :rolleyes:

Thank you for clarification, I am glad you recognize this as a not attractive marketing for DASH at the moment :)
It is difficult to say whether it is attractive or not.
I can see a lot of similarities in what we do and what Liberland does. They are not official country - we are not official currency. They want to give people economical freedom - so do we. We are open-minded, community-based project - they are the same. Both projects are in their early stages and fight for their place on Earth :)
I think it is worth to stay in contact with people who think similar and have similar goals. We can work together and support each other - together we are stronger.
Does it always have to be about marketing and tangible benefits?
I ask again who authorized this bad idea?

Dash is decentralized; there is no "boss" who gives permission for people to do things. Community members are free to do what they want; they are not subject to any central authority. That's the entire point of crypto!

There is nobody who can give permission to do anything, nor is there anyone who can forbid people from doing anything. How could a person be forbidden from doing something? They can't be fired, nor can they have their Dash taken away from them!
Dash is decentralized; there is no "boss" who gives permission for people to do things. Community members are free to do what they want; they are not subject to any central authority. That's the entire point of crypto!

There is nobody who can give permission to do anything, nor is there anyone who can forbid people from doing anything. How could a person be forbidden from doing something? They can't be fired, nor can they have their Dash taken away from them!

I agree with you fully that there is no some kind of centralized authority of "boss" like you pointed out.

Would make me laugh if some community member took effort and start by itself promoting Liberlands "national currency" or whatever, but this was put in agenda of Dash Core Team Monthly Report.

Correct me if I am wrong but community (me as well) should support actions what core team is doing, express opinion, like I stated earlier.

My question is totally correct since I was surprised that funny story got attraction by the core team, so this is what I wanted to see, If they support this idea or it was just a hint from someone in the fly.

Authorized can be also possible in decentralized way and I think this is exactly where DASH is going further, it would be one of leading argument of DASH being superb among other crypto.

I respect your posts on BTCtalk and please dont get me wrong, but if we are promoting our experiment as a "decentralized virtual company" - brand, authorization is going to be determined anyhow. It is natural.

If you like more it can be meaning, authorized by the community, or by MNs whatever...
It is difficult to say whether it is attractive or not.
I can see a lot of similarities in what we do and what Liberland does. They are not official country - we are not official currency. They want to give people economical freedom - so do we. We are open-minded, community-based project - they are the same. Both projects are in their early stages and fight for their place on Earth :)
I think it is worth to stay in contact with people who think similar and have similar goals. We can work together and support each other - together we are stronger.
Does it always have to be about marketing and tangible benefits?

I dont want to make more noise here, or to be recognized as a nonconstructive community member :)

So suggestion, If we are aiming to reach audience of people who wants economical freedom, I believe better address then Liberland is to contact Jeff Berwick from

It would be wonderful if we manage somehow Jeff to make an interview with Evan. It would be a great achievement for DASH, much stronger then "Liberland" followers.

That is just my small idea.
I agree with you fully that there is no some kind of centralized authority of "boss" like you pointed out.

Would make me laugh if some community member took effort and start by itself promoting Liberlands "national currency" or whatever, but this was put in agenda of Dash Core Team Monthly Report.

Correct me if I am wrong but community (me as well) should support actions what core team is doing, express opinion, like I stated earlier.

My question is totally correct since I was surprised that funny story got attraction by the core team, so this is what I wanted to see, If they support this idea or it was just a hint from someone in the fly.

Authorized can be also possible in decentralized way and I think this is exactly where DASH is going further, it would be one of leading argument of DASH being superb among other crypto.

I respect your posts on BTCtalk and please dont get me wrong, but if we are promoting our experiment as a "decentralized virtual company" - brand, authorization is going to be determined anyhow. It is natural.

If you like more it can be meaning, authorized by the community, or by MNs whatever...

I see your meaning now...thanks!
It is difficult to say whether it is attractive or not.
I can see a lot of similarities in what we do and what Liberland does. They are not official country - we are not official currency. They want to give people economical freedom - so do we. We are open-minded, community-based project - they are the same. Both projects are in their early stages and fight for their place on Earth :)
I think it is worth to stay in contact with people who think similar and have similar goals. We can work together and support each other - together we are stronger.
Does it always have to be about marketing and tangible benefits?

Why not, kot ? the m & b are a measure of successful interaction. I am unable to judge your pleasure quotient as you listen to vivaldi, yet my easily perceive that is a result of bennies related to some level of success affording you liberty and the freedom to exercise it.

I am thankful this DASH concept presented by Evan does not strive for officialdom. During my years I have learned a significant distrust of officials, and resentment of their minions, as I suspect most of us here have. I have been known to resist edicts which seem to spew from those in office.
I am comfortable, listening to Evans presentations, that he feels 'Government that governs best, governs least.'
DASHtalk presents opportunity to be heard before we take action by voting with our feet. :)
...and may galt set within his castle, as croesus did...
Best rc