There is absolutely no proof once so ever that a wealthy person is a smart person. The general public (everyone who owns any form of Dash) should have a vote on how they want the coin to evolve. Everyone has a voice and should be able to use it.
I've met only a few rich dumbasses.
I've met tons of broke dumbasses.
No rule is absolute, but there is a definite demographic split. Denying it is silly.
They don't seat homeless, clueless drunks on the board of directors of any random company said homeless drunk "demands" to be sat at.
This is not a society. This is not a government. Only those fit to have a say, get a say. This is the whole point. Working as intended.
Losers don't get a voice in the direction of money. If you can't prove that you are good with money and understand how it works by actually having a big fat pile of it, then you[re not fit to make these decisions. Hell, we still have too many unfit parties running masternodes from the old days...
We don't need more idiots on the board of directors, we need fewer. If that's "mean," and you wanna go invest in a different coin, I'll be glad to buy your DRKs.
Yaarrr! Man the harpoons! Thar be SJW whales with weak hands!
Is that 7DRK "sell wall" your's? Lols!