I agree with everything said above, but it's the same song from the same hymn sheet. How do you fix it? We seem to be good at talking about the issues and fixes but not actually fixing it
My #1 issue is communication--both ways.
It's easy to forget that communication is a two-way street. Evan doesn't have time to read every post here, let alone on BCT, so we need people to take the information, filter it, and pass the relevant parts to him. Why don't we get eltito to select a couple of volunteers to keep up with the BCT thread, and another volunteer to keep up with community posts here. They could send daily or twice-weekly summaries to eltito, who could further distill them into actionable information to help Evan. That would make sure Evan gets the relevant information (important new ideas, problems that for some reason aren't or can't be documented in Jira, important non-code questions that need to be answered, media inquiries, etc.)
Secondly, once Evan or his designee comes up with a response to the community's issues and questions, they could post a summary (weekly? biweekly?).
Third, like a previous poster said, update us weekly or biweekly even if there is "nothing to report." We understand that you might not have solutions yet, but let us at least know what you are working on and have been working on. Got a particularly thorny problem that you haven't solved yet? No problem, tell us what you're working on and that you'll get us more info once you've figured it out. As a history professor (part time), I can tell you that people truly respect an "I don't know, but I'll find out" answer.
P.S. If I can make one more suggestion: make it a policy that all future RC updates have to run bug-free on testnet for 48-72 hours. I understand that not all problems can be predicted and fixed on test...there are some things that only come to light on mainnet. But why not make sure that all testnet issues are completely fixed and everything runs smoothly for a brief period, before introducing to mainnet?