Use stick, not carrot.
Grow a pair, flog bad actors.
Yes, I too believe in flogging bad actors. However you can’t consider someone who hasn’t upgraded a
bad actor per se. They are not trying to game the system and are still playing by the network rules for all intents and purposes.
And yes, while larger testicles are always nice, I suppose I proposed said carrot because said stick hasn’t been effective from what I’m gathering from your perspective. Isn’t a carrot why masternodes and miners participate in the ecosystem to begin with?
A miner/masternode will
eventually upgrade to avoid missing payment because the rest of the miners/masternodes have upgraded
before them, hence the stick. But if we wish to incentivize the
jumpstart of said upgrade, the carrot needs to be there.
So far I believe that carrot has been only the speculative value an upgraded network brings. However, it very unfortunately hasn’t been a strong enough motivator, which is why I propose a direct financial one. As a MN owner I currently have no incentive to upgrade early, rather to upgrade only
before it’s too late, which is the problem right now from what I gather.
Personally, if upgrading early meant I could get paid 2x/3x/5x more (hypothetically) in a given timeframe because I acted quicker than others and in turn was in a smaller/more frequent payment queue, as opposed to missing payments because I didn’t act quick enough, my ass is gonna upgrade ASAP (same with miners and a hypothetical temporary higher block reward). Greed and positive reenforcement is simply a
stronger motivator in my opinion.
A carrot gets me to
willingly move, a stick makes me only want to
keep up with any movement