Logo discussion

What about something like a pair of hands opening a wallet and all you see is just a dark vapor/smoke inside it? Or something along those lines not necessarily a wallet? (IDK I don't know graphics)
What about something like a pair of hands opening a wallet and all you see is just a dark vapor/smoke inside it? Or something along those lines not necessarily a wallet? (IDK I don't know graphics)
That sounds like it's communicating the idea that the money in your wallet is liable to go up in smoke... :p

What I'm learning from this process is that branding is freaking hard!
Having some fun:

I wear my sunglasses at night....


Yah, they actually earn their millions, those Marketing people!
Have a GREAT day!

ok, been in California way too long, er... my whole hippy life, time to go! LOL
Yes! That's exactly my thinking (the bolded part). That was the reasoning behind one of the concept logos I did a while back, which incorporated a keyhole to the "D" to direct one's interpretation to the intended theme of privacy/security. I haven't seen a perfect design that achieves this yet. But I'm starting to think that any design that clearly directs one's interpretation towards a positive message of privacy/anonymity is preferable to a super slick but thematically ambiguous design.

I think the faster we can redirect a user's interpretation away from those shady interpretations, the better, and the logo may be our only opportunity to reach the huge proportion of people who are exposed to our brand but lack the investment to dig deeper.

Glad to see that you agree LimLims. I thought your D/lock logo was on the right track and probably the best I've seen so far. However, I am a bit concerned because I understand that the community as a whole will be voting on the design and it seems like most backers of this coin do not understand that without a careful marketing strategy, this coin will be simply pigeonholed as the coin for illicit activity. I really hope we do not end up with something that is a dressed up D on a coin graphic.

I'm sitting here thinking about the best words to describe the kind of positive darkness we want. I think 'anonymity' is good, 'confidentiality' is better and 'privacy' is the best. Privacy has essentially no negative connotations whatsoever. And I really can't think of any symbol superior to a lock that connotes privacy. So, it seems to me that ultimately the design should incorporate a lock into it, unless a better symbol for privacy can be conceived.
However, I am a bit concerned because I understand that the community as a whole will be voting on the design and it seems like most backers of this coin do not understand that without a careful marketing strategy, this coin will be simply pigeonholed as the coin for illicit activity. I really hope we do not end up with something that is a dressed up D on a coin graphic.

I share your concern. Still thinking about the best way to approach this.
Just messing with some lines, going with simplicity.
I kinda like the font I came up with, but overall, meh, useless.
...and simplifying the previous logo. :D

(No way I can change my name here I guess? Didn't realize it was going to be my "handle".)


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These are probably stupid, but just in terms of the conceptual direction, thoughts?

No, not stupid at all... I like the concept of the circle not being a coin, just suggesting it. It could also scale well, and isn't the heavy black spot of a logo that we all dread :)
I think the lock should incorporate the D rather obviously, especially since its so easy to do due to the shape of the object.

Limlims, are you going to select the best designs for the community to vote on or will we see everything submitted? Perhaps you could screen out all of the standard options that just give a variation of 'D' on a coin.
I hate everything I've come up with, so don't worry about hurting my feelings .... :(

Just hope spammig ideas might pull something out of someone, LOL
Quick n dirty concept mockup. If it's not obvious, it's supposed to be a window shutter being pulled down.
