Live Project Log For CRYPTOVERSE-1

how did you manage to convince the masternodes to fund you?
I think you really need to ask the question the other way around, "Why did the masternodes go for this project?" which is a question only they can answer.

The main thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is "What's in it for Dash?". This is what the masternodes want to know. They want to fund proposals that will increase Dash adoption, increase demand and usage of Dash and thereby increase it's value.

Hence this should be the main goal of the project. Then it's a case of clearly explaining exactly how your proposal will help the Dash network achieve it's goals.
I think you really need to ask the question the other way around, "Why did the masternodes go for this project?" which is a question only they can answer.

The main thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is "What's in it for Dash?". This is what the masternodes want to know. They want to fund proposals that will increase Dash adoption, increase demand and usage of Dash and thereby increase it's value.

Hence this should be the main goal of the project. Then it's a case of clearly explaining exactly how your proposal will help the Dash network achieve it's goals.

Well, what I think about you is that you had the support of 3 persons, that happened to own many masternodes. This is what the vote history shows. The last person who supported you, he did it in a more sofisticated way. He avoided to cast all his votes at once, and he prefered to run a program and vote up your proposal randomly, in order to outsmart the poll history viewers and make them believe that many persons supported you.

This is the reason why a web of trust of real persons (that are allowed to preserve their anonymity by using nicknames) should be created in Dash, so that everyone to be able to know what the real persons vote and not only what the masternodes vote. The protocol of Dash is designed to take the decisions based in the vote of the masternodes, and I can tolerate that. What I do not tolerate is the fact that the Dash protocol denies to reveal the opinion of unique persons , for information purposes. Prohibiting of this information is malicious. Dash pretends and advertises that many people are allowed to decide about Dash's future, but this is not the truth. Dash avoids to mention how many real person participate in the Dash voting procedure. Dash is a glorified gentlemen's club, pretending to be an open club.
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Informative promotional presentation...

IMO, those engaging the services of a licensed banking institution should by now be fully aware they are indeed subject to many rules and regulations, AND, those which may come down the pike at any future date... many of which may be determined to be enforceable retro-actively !
I feel the risk of an accounting to be far less than, say, localbitcoin ? The recent $28k armed robbery would present coinbase and the infernal revenooers as a much lesser hazard.

Much to my dismay I am currently playing by the rules in my business. That means sales that are made where customers pay in Bitcoin are exchanged for GBP and then accounted for in GBP.
Excellent update, and good job. Proud to sponsor you.

Much to my dismay I am currently playing by the rules in my business.

As you should !

Incurring the wrath of HMRC is not pleasant !

Here, over the pond, it is considered to be a good business practice to avoid taxation, at the same time being a violation to evade them.

The devil is in the details !

Dash sponsored episode 7 of 66 has now been published:

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I think YouTube is not reporting it's analytics correctly here. How can the count be the same as yesterday when yesterday's episode got 700 views AFTER I pulled the stats?

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