Since the new Budget System cycle that started on Sunday, the Proposal "Dash.org domain name" still appears on my votetracker (dashvotetracker.com) even though it has expired:
As you can see, the vote tracker picks it up as an existing Proposal, but at the same time, it marks it as "not approved" (red) even though it has enough votes to be approved, and says it is on payment "5/4".
Because of the missed payment in December, this Proposal was only paid three times (see here), yet if you look at the budget status from dash-cli, you get "RemainingPaymentCount" as zero:
I would think the system would ignore the fact that December was skipped, and just mark this Proposal as finished, but it doesn't seem to be doing that - at least not everywhere.
Could someone explain the status of this Proposal, and how we can determine if it is still valid or not?
Since the new Budget System cycle that started on Sunday, the Proposal "Dash.org domain name" still appears on my votetracker (dashvotetracker.com) even though it has expired:

As you can see, the vote tracker picks it up as an existing Proposal, but at the same time, it marks it as "not approved" (red) even though it has enough votes to be approved, and says it is on payment "5/4".
Because of the missed payment in December, this Proposal was only paid three times (see here), yet if you look at the budget status from dash-cli, you get "RemainingPaymentCount" as zero:
"dash-org" : {
"Name" : "dash-org",
"URL" : "www.dashwhale.org/p/dash-org",
"Hash" : "54e800e5c462a9bbc905ef523058ec76fe6207bcbd547a4cc9d38587eb954728",
"FeeHash" : "f3233c0c55adbbcabff5c51d841c8c784e15e336882c3acce538bcb921bf9198",
"BlockStart" : 382168,
"BlockEnd" : 456940,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 4,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 0,
"PaymentAddress" : "Xr122HobAmPTQV5qe9jHuwxVVFFCd6P4E3",
"Ratio" : 0.92183138,
"Yeas" : 1641,
"Nays" : 140,
"Abstains" : 0,
"TotalPayment" : 8400.00000000,
"MonthlyPayment" : 2100.00000000,
"IsEstablished" : true,
"IsValid" : true,
"IsValidReason" : "",
"fValid" : true
I would think the system would ignore the fact that December was skipped, and just mark this Proposal as finished, but it doesn't seem to be doing that - at least not everywhere.
Could someone explain the status of this Proposal, and how we can determine if it is still valid or not?