Well-known member
Everyone by now knows dash is thrvining ( even though market is not taking full notice of it ) primarily because of its Decentralised Autonomous Organisation style funding aka the treasury , every month some 6600 dash are released to be spent on various proposal and dash is arguably the only big crypto that has a sustainable way of doing this for the long term, where as in other coins, its extremely centralised i.e Vitalik holds a ton of ethereum and spends on supporting its eco-system however should he something happen to him or the coins , its a irrereable loss ( i am sure the CIA is thinking of all the ways to sabotage crypto-currency and is waiting for the right moment to strike ) , now dash is immune to this massive attack vector. Having said that 6600 dash is a good number , you know what would be better doubling it 
Right now at $500 a pop, 6600 dash per month means 3.3 million , if we had 13200 dash to spend we could spend 6.6 million per month , that is absoultely massive amount of treasury isint ?
now as we spend more on marketing , the price will obviously rise, what happens when the price doubles to $1000 , we will have $10+ million budget , that is indeed fantastic , but right now we cant do it unfortunately
45% of all new coins go for miners , 45% go to MNOs and only 10% go to the treasury ( the super power of dash )
imagine spending only 35% on miners instead ? what would happen , let me answer all your questions
Miners give much needed stability and protection from DDOS attacks we cant compromise that ?
That is very much true, but there is not need to spend 26400 dash per month on that security , infact spending even 10% of new coins on mining is more than enough to protect dash from any practical DDOS attack vector, and as the price appreciates and we get more miners into the system it gets exponential more secure even with just 10% of new coins on mining.
These are not my words , Dash CEO Ryan himself discussed this a while back
embedding is not working properly but it starts at 52 mins 10 seconds
spending extra coins on treasury would create unnecessary inflation ?
thats simply not true , there are not extra coins being created , coins that are spent towards electricity bills and new mining gear and being diverted towards treasury so in effect on new coins will be created . in fact if we are not able to spent it all on treasury proposals , some new coins will never be created which will create mild deflation
cutting down the coins will create a shock to miners and they will lose faith in Dash .
This again is a genuine concern having said that even 4 years bitcoin supply drops by half but that didn't create miners to lose faith in mining bitcoin , the truth is it gives rise to more competitive mining alternatively when we express this intention clearly to miners and we bring all the MNOs on board to this, we can create better long term marketing strategies which will in turn increase the price much further ,so the miner will effectively lose nothing, its a win-win- win ( win for miners , win for MNOs , win for treasury )
This sounds a like a drastic idea that will hurt miners
i understand that mining is a competitive business, so should give plenty of notice to them and do it gradually , start with 5% and do it incrementally.
Its time to make this decision asap instead of delaying it ( even though execution can be done later ).
i am going to make proposal asking MNOs to vote for yes for proposal in this months cycle as a simple Yes
i am requesting fellow MNOs to supporting me in this cause by raising 5 dash so that i can post a proposal, i am putting the first 1 dash to support this.
please support it
Right now at $500 a pop, 6600 dash per month means 3.3 million , if we had 13200 dash to spend we could spend 6.6 million per month , that is absoultely massive amount of treasury isint ?
now as we spend more on marketing , the price will obviously rise, what happens when the price doubles to $1000 , we will have $10+ million budget , that is indeed fantastic , but right now we cant do it unfortunately
45% of all new coins go for miners , 45% go to MNOs and only 10% go to the treasury ( the super power of dash )
imagine spending only 35% on miners instead ? what would happen , let me answer all your questions
Miners give much needed stability and protection from DDOS attacks we cant compromise that ?
That is very much true, but there is not need to spend 26400 dash per month on that security , infact spending even 10% of new coins on mining is more than enough to protect dash from any practical DDOS attack vector, and as the price appreciates and we get more miners into the system it gets exponential more secure even with just 10% of new coins on mining.
These are not my words , Dash CEO Ryan himself discussed this a while back
embedding is not working properly but it starts at 52 mins 10 seconds
spending extra coins on treasury would create unnecessary inflation ?
thats simply not true , there are not extra coins being created , coins that are spent towards electricity bills and new mining gear and being diverted towards treasury so in effect on new coins will be created . in fact if we are not able to spent it all on treasury proposals , some new coins will never be created which will create mild deflation
cutting down the coins will create a shock to miners and they will lose faith in Dash .
This again is a genuine concern having said that even 4 years bitcoin supply drops by half but that didn't create miners to lose faith in mining bitcoin , the truth is it gives rise to more competitive mining alternatively when we express this intention clearly to miners and we bring all the MNOs on board to this, we can create better long term marketing strategies which will in turn increase the price much further ,so the miner will effectively lose nothing, its a win-win- win ( win for miners , win for MNOs , win for treasury )
This sounds a like a drastic idea that will hurt miners
i understand that mining is a competitive business, so should give plenty of notice to them and do it gradually , start with 5% and do it incrementally.
Its time to make this decision asap instead of delaying it ( even though execution can be done later ).
i am going to make proposal asking MNOs to vote for yes for proposal in this months cycle as a simple Yes
i am requesting fellow MNOs to supporting me in this cause by raising 5 dash so that i can post a proposal, i am putting the first 1 dash to support this.
please support it
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