This entire thread was possibly the worst way to approach this topic...
I'm a huge fan of Kuvacash. I love what they are doing and bringing to the dash community. I think this is pretty wrong and unethical, mostly because it starts a REALLY bad precedent.
Nothing of monetary value should ever be exchanged for a MN vote. Ever. Haven't we learned this from politics over the last few hundred years??
I don't really cringe that hard at MNO's getting an airdrop...
I REALLY cringe when MNO's start `wanting` and accepting gifts for votes.
Here's scenario 1:
MNO's get airdrop
MNO's have to vote on more kuvacash base funding 3 in 2019... while the airdrop X is still worth nothing... MNO keeps voting to make sure airdrop becomes valuable.
Here's scenario 2:
MNO's get aidrop
Kuvacash stops operating
Next proposal that lacks serious funding, "why not VCO"
MNO's awaiting airdrop 2X
Airdrop addiction begins ~
Scenario 3:
If you have a great business, people will fund your business.
Here's some ways~
- Angel funding, VC funding, friends and family, family offices, subsidies from the government, other block chain funds, a bank loan, a credit line, an accelerator, or even your crazy uncle.
I just think this could end badly for the community (regardless of kuvacash).
I think the way that Kuvacash shared via the VCO last year was very fair and not unethical at all.
Masternode owners are the big long term holders and investors in Dash, they need to make sure Dash will succeed, so it is right that they be rewarded for doing their research into various proposals so they can make correct funding decisions, (and punished if they make the wrong ones).
This is the new digital economy. People get airdrops all the time. You cannot pretend that this kind of VCO deal wasn’t coming... it was inevitable, and I’m glad Kuvacash were the first to come forward and own it. They are leading by example with an ethical way to present it.
There was no bribe for a vote, the VCO was announced at the third round of funding, after all the votes were in. The Kuvacash team simply wanted to share back with the MNO community, as well as to incentivise MNOs to participate in the vote. Right now less than 25% of MNOs bother to vote, which is a huge problem! Kuvacash saw a way to address this problem.
Who knows what value the Utility Notes will hold. They haven’t been released or traded. I’m sure they will have some nominal value, as they are used as collateral by Kuvacash for their agents.
You could argue that the weekly payments to masternodes are unethical, you could argue a lot of things by stretching your imagination.
If you look at Evan’s vision for Dash, he talks about Sub-DAOs. Maybe Kuvacash will be the second Sub-DAO (with Dash core being the first).
Whatever your thoughts or ideas, the VCO process makes Dash a super-interesting project to be involved with, and can only increase desire for Masternode ownership.
Arguably, the Kuvacash VCO even could be one of the most interesting developments which has come out of the Network since the DGBB was set up.
VCOs, and probably variants of the process are coming, we have to accept the inevitable, and I’m glad it was the Kuvacash team who brought this forward.
I trust the Kuvacash team are professional, aligned with Dash Core, and working with the best interests of Dash in mind.
You speak about alternative funding. The Kuvacash team are dedicated to Dash and wish to share the success of the project with the network.
We have to be realistic. If they had decided to raise funds for Kuvacash via an ICO, they would have easily raised $10MM+ with the idea and the team that they have assembled.
Therefore, it’s pretty obvious through their chosen path, that they wish to grow the business to become one of Dash’s biggest assets, and be aligned with the Dash network, sharing the success of the project.
For me, this is the simplest explanation, and therefore probably more accurate than any wild conspiracy theories or fraud accusations. They have no reason to risk their reputations.