Known Issues and Improvement Ideas

This is just to let you know, I have created inputs in Jira PM backlog for the reported suggestions and issues:

In case I missed any input, please let me know. The next step for me and balu will be to set the priorities and work on them. Each important stream will have separate project in Jira to give you a possibility to see the progress and collaborate
I don't have any coding skills but I got an idea :

For added security, I propose to incorporate a MD5 hash to check if the files of a wallet and/or Masternode are Intact and not tampered with.

With any network traffic it's mandatory to incorporate your hash(which should be built into the software).

Without the hash or without the correct hash you are blocked /banned from the network because others are rejecting you .

I think this is most valuable to Masternodes because now and then people can bend payments into their favor.
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I don't have any coding skills but I got an idea :

For added security, I propose to incorporate a MD5 hash to check if the files of a wallet and/or Masternode are Intact and not tampered with.

With any network traffic it's mandatory to incorporate your hash(which should be built into the software).

Without the hash or without the correct hash you are blocked /banned from the network because others are rejecting you .

I think this is most valuable to Masternodes because now and then people can bend payments into their favor.

There's really no way for the network to tell that the hash you're giving them is not tampered with somehow, because they don't have access to your local file system to see if you're lying or not. With crypto in general, you need to base the security off of something everyone has access to such as the block chain proof of work hashes or pubkey keys.

Although, someone could make a separate tool to hash the local files and alert the masternode operator when something changed via email. I bet tools like that exist already and would work great with Dash.
thx for you response.

I got an other idea:
A Masternode service running alongside the masternode checking it every couple of minutes orso. Not only if dashd is running or not, but also checking its status: Is it synced, does it have connections, check the POS score etc. And if not repair it (zap wallet, delete blockchain, restart dashd, etcetc)

I find myself checking my masternode every couple of hours like an obsessed weirdo, but just now after running great for some time, it wasnt synced anymore. Restart helped. Automating this would be cool.

It could be written by anyone i think. Unfortunately i am not a capable coder.

Maybe something to vote on when V12 is running stable?
A Masternode service running alongside the masternode checking it every couple of minutes orso. Not only if dashd is running or not, but also checking its status: Is it synced, does it have connections, check the POS score etc. And if not repair it (zap wallet, delete blockchain, restart dashd, etcetc)

Actually as easy as the idea sounds, checking a Masternode would basically need another dashd-daemon running which would need to check the sync-status against it's own, open connections to it, get its score etc.
And this is exactly how I and elbereth get the status that we publish on our status-pages.

I find myself checking my masternode every couple of hours like an obsessed weirdo

Wouldn't you then check this check-service like a weirdo?