just startting out


I have mined bitcoins in the past but giving darkcoin a try.
I am having issues getting setup
pool is darkcointalk

I have setup a worker (test) and password (test)
I have a windows machine I want to cpu mine. I will be installing linux on sunday and ordering a gpu for it as well.
my issue is connecting to the pool to get started
stratum authentication failed
from there website I get this
./minerd -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
I change ./minerd to minerd.exe and enter this
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan.test -p test
and this for the hell of it
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan:password.test -p test
password being the password I use to log into the pool webpage

on the same note what GPU would be good Nvidia or amd? what would you say is the break even one?
I have mined bitcoins in the past but giving darkcoin a try.
I am having issues getting setup
pool is darkcointalk

I have setup a worker (test) and password (test)
I have a windows machine I want to cpu mine. I will be installing linux on sunday and ordering a gpu for it as well.
my issue is connecting to the pool to get started
stratum authentication failed
from there website I get this
./minerd -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
I change ./minerd to minerd.exe and enter this
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan.test -p test
and this for the hell of it
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan:password.test -p test
password being the password I use to log into the pool webpage

on the same note what GPU would be good Nvidia or amd? what would you say is the break even one?
The connection issue error messages point towards a worker config issue.

minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan.test -p test

You've got your password as your workername, that's the issue you are having.

Right now the Nvidia GTX 750ti is the most efficient card for mining.

And welcome :)
worker name and worker password are both test.

btw what is the latest cpu miner? gpu miner for nvidia?

If this pool works like most others you have to use: -u test.1 -p test

By default the workers get a number for each, means test.1, test.2, test.3, ....
ok round 2
I managed to get my hands on a 430 just to start out with
here is the mining pool pic with my worker(temp)

I did find ccminer but there -30,-35,-50,-52


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Hi Intertan,

Found your issue since I responded to your support request via the contact form. The command lines you've been specifying show your account name as intertan, but the screenshot you posted shows your account name as intetan.

I hope that helps.
success somewhat thanks to all

I did get a stratum_recv_line failed
and Stratum connection interrupted

I allowed firewall to allow ccminer to communicate to see if that helps
Also does it take time for my worker to register on the site?
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Hi Intertan,

Worker registration should is instantaneous, and you should start seeing your hash rate and shares in the Pool's Dashboard after 5 minutes.
