I have mined bitcoins in the past but giving darkcoin a try.
I am having issues getting setup
pool is darkcointalk
I have setup a worker (test) and password (test)
I have a windows machine I want to cpu mine. I will be installing linux on sunday and ordering a gpu for it as well.
my issue is connecting to the pool to get started
stratum authentication failed
from there website I get this
./minerd -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
I change ./minerd to minerd.exe and enter this
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan.test -p test
and this for the hell of it
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan
assword.test -p test
password being the password I use to log into the pool webpage
on the same note what GPU would be good Nvidia or amd? what would you say is the break even one?
I am having issues getting setup
pool is darkcointalk
I have setup a worker (test) and password (test)
I have a windows machine I want to cpu mine. I will be installing linux on sunday and ordering a gpu for it as well.
my issue is connecting to the pool to get started
stratum authentication failed
from there website I get this
./minerd -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
I change ./minerd to minerd.exe and enter this
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan.test -p test
and this for the hell of it
minerd.exe -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://mining.darkcointalk.org:3333 -u intertan
password being the password I use to log into the pool webpage
on the same note what GPU would be good Nvidia or amd? what would you say is the break even one?