Just got my D3 19.3 GH/s, but they only operate at 17.5!

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Was excited to finally get my D3's in today after getting delayed by customs. They are the 19.3 GH/s model but after powering them up they only are getting 17.5 GH/s . I tried updating firmware but that made no difference. Anyone else having this issue with the latest batch?
I'm barely getting $10 a day, I wish I would have got more L3+'s , it's making more than double what a D3 is using nicehash.
With this reward, is it worth to mine or to sell the D3 on receiving. I have 2 coming by month end. Difficulty level i was told will come down but i dont see even 1 reason of it coming down. Once up it never comes down. The ASICs in the market will mine and difficulty will rise further. It is a game controlled by bitmain where unwary clients like us fell into. Do tell me as well if anything positive comes up. I am keeping my fingers crossed as well.
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I have not been following dash but saw a glimpse that it touched new highs in price some 2-3days back. still loss per day?? Electricity cost in my area is around $0.12/Kwh. Will D3 still make a loss or i sell at even price or even $200 below my cost..Now today my APSW has been shipped, i expect D3 to be shiped in 1-2 days...The xcitement of it arriving is all over...feeling worriesome as this is my first hardware bought for mining venture.
You are borderline between breaking even mining the D3. If DASH prices declined back to the 276 level then you'd be making $0.36/day versus $2/day right now.

So there's not a lot of room for error here. If I were you I would mine something with more potential for a pump such as MUE or maybe mine Dash and MUE so you have some diversification.

Dumping your miner wouldn't really help you unless you really needed that money or you don't think you can ever recover your costs. Most likely we'll see network rates stabilize over the next few months and given the loss of value in this hardware there won't likely be much production in the near future due to excessive supply on the market. For some it will be a good time to buy D3s and A5s at cheap prices and it could be profitable then to bring them back online or host them in a place where electricity costs are extremely low.

If you're patient you can wait it out or if you'd rather book the loss then you can try to sell, but I can assure you that everyone has the same idea so that's probably not going to work.
Was excited to finally get my D3's in today after getting delayed by customs. They are the 19.3 GH/s model but after powering them up they only are getting 17.5 GH/s . I tried updating firmware but that made no difference. Anyone else having this issue with the latest batch?

are you using 220 or 110 plug? and 17GH/s is default setting. if you want more GH/s just overclock only if you can keep the system cool, do not let it go over 73.
So guys, is now still the time for mining as far as I can see is the difficulty is way to high and even when I do the calculation via mining calculator online, its taking quite some times for a breakeven.
the main problem is that bitmain uses the d3 for a month for testing, meaning that they made all the easy Dash coins leaving all of us with a super high difficulty, they should give back to every customer who bought a miner all the coims they got in that month. I think that is fare.
The situation happen within my region is peoples are selling new incoming D3 below the market price makes me wonder that everyone go for damage control instead of mining.
when I olace the order of my D3's cryptocompare calc was giving me a profit of almost $5000 a month, after bitmain open the new batch to be release a month later, cryptocompare gaveme a profit of $400 a month. That means that in the testing period they took all the lower difficult coins and increase it to a point that before receiving the miners we are all in negative profits.
I think that as a Dash community we have to make something with bitmain, is not fare to test the devices mining real coins, they should have test coins.
I think that's where us, a small boat on the ocean can be easily being strike away from the game. Hopefully there will be move from Dash to counter the matter
Bitmain becomes more and more SCAM. Shipping worthless Miners out. Miners were used for sure months before to mine the easy- profitable Coins themselves. Now after they are becoming unprofitable, they ship them out (more or less refurbished) and finally even overclocked.
To cover the fact that the miners will never reach POI, and will probably die even before warranty. Yes, Hashrate exploded in last time, and thats also caused by Bitmain (not only)

Sadly there are no profitable Miners on Market (50GH or more). Probably such exist, and are probably running in Bitmains Farms already until they get worthless. Then Story repeats
Well then, we won't earn much I guess. Hopefully they won't come out any ASIC-like miner for GPU mining too. Else, all those miner with GPU will eventually sharing the exact same fate as D3 and other Antminer.
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