Java Developer Salary

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New member
How much to earn an initial level java dev/programmer? Am I guessing 50K? In addition, what do you think, what amount of knowledge should an entry-level candidate
It all depends on the country, region, level of knowledge and most importantly the developer's experience. If interested, read this article There are many good tips, and talk about the level of salaries of developers in the international arena.My advice. just choose whatever language you like. then have a great momentum on start. keep on improve. try to learn about others language/technology along the way.:)
Java is one of the most popular programming languages and one of my personal favorites. Here you would find a major research with salaries of different developers over the world. Obviously, it really depends on the location and skills sets.
These are the average salaries taken from PayScale:

For example, here's what employers usually look for when they need a junior Java developer:
Java developers salaries directly depend on your experience, the city/state you live in etc. For example, the average Java developer salary in the USA is $102K per year, however living in the UK you will be paying $59,268.
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