It's not allowed to post in this forum by its own definition

You still could put the off-topic under off-topic forum,
and maybe double post, that should balance it out
and you are back to off-topic and allowed ?!
Consider that each offtopic has its own ontopic ;)
Finally a constructive thread :)

yes flare is right
check the calculation:
constructive + /- unconstructive % Off Topic {-0.0001} % (again) On Topic +/- constructive = Off Topic
Your equation is missing the instamine of topics during the first 3 days - it needs a corrective factor X

you are so right
(dam i am just so bad at math)

hold on:
Damn, I am really confused now, is this what Philospher's call lateral thinking.

Topic Definition

Q) Is Schrodinger's Cat sat on the topic inside or outside the box ?

A) Neither, the Cat ate the topic some time ago.

There is no topic, you only believe that it exists.
