Issue a Governace System to work on real life communities


New member
Hello there people! I would like to have a theoretical discussion about in what ways a blockchain governance system like Dash could apply in real life people, communities or states in political ways.

Lets say for example we have a small town of 1000 - 5000 people that they are using Dash(or they are familliar to cryptos in general) for their expenses and they want to use a similar system to take decisions for their daily lives and for the town they live, like build new buildings pass new laws , infrastructure etc.

In what ways do you believe this would be achievable? Could Mastenodes fund the creation of a subDAO which takes care of the voting and allocation of money for future investment for the sake of DashTown?
The governors of the DashTown how would be elected? by the power of their wealth(Stake)? or every citizen would have a vote in the system? or vote for representatives? It would be better to use Dash directly or a Token issued for the town which represents the value of Dash for ease of transactions?

I believe it would be wonderful if a political type governance can be issued on a blockchain , but im not sure how that could be successful, thats why i give so mush questions , id like to see your opinions on that and elaborate about that topic!
Yes i believe that this kind of political type governance could transform the way people act and think as citizens. It can lower the corruption factor as the blockchain is transparent. And give the governors the incentive to be more productive if this the way to gain more profit! I believe the incentive can be the decisive factor to accomplish things. The blockchain technology can give this!
i would vote to fund a team witch would build a "blockchain voting as a service" layer. we also need extra voting functionality for the mn, e.g. a formal procedure to define rfp's to the world.
the treasury needs to be used to expand and build the network. all those marketing, meetup and giveaway proposals makes dash look really bad. this is like being stuck ik 2015.
i would vote to fund a team witch would build a "blockchain voting as a service" layer. we also need extra voting functionality for the mn, e.g. a formal procedure to define rfp's to the world.

Hi, what do you mean by rfp?

the treasury needs to be used to expand and build the network. all those marketing, meetup and giveaway proposals makes dash look really bad. this is like being stuck ik 2015.

Yes i get what you mean, but its maybe this is the way to get ready for more mature proposals in time! The way it works, someone must put proposals for the expansion of the network, and also be capable to successfully accomplish them!
Hi, what do you mean by rfp
Request For Proposal. this is a normal and formal way businesses invite other businesses to propose solutions.
but its maybe this is the way to get ready for more mature proposals in time
dash more than ready for some time now. we need other proposals from teams who can build blockchain integrations and applications. most marketing and meetups are just excuses to get some dash. we need less of that and more strategic platform building.