Is our forum under troll attack?

Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
I ask this, because it seems very strange that, all of a sudden, there are so many weird new threads and posts with fancy demands... very unusual :rolleyes:

(and after a very hectic week, my brain is about to explode lol)
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Naahh.. raganius I guess that's just a toxic btctalk influence on you :grin: New people are not always trolls :rolleyes:

Yes, most probably, but if you read carefully how some of these newcomers make their comments and put their ideas, it's not hard to see they are being arrogant, disrespectful, scorning, and even insulting, sometimes :/ most hard, for me, to take their forced opinions seriously...

... some of the "pearls" they put in their last posts include the same ad nauseam tactics and arguments from the BTCtalk trolls
Yes, most probably, but if you read carefully how some of these newcomers make their comments and put their ideas, it's not hard to see they are being arrogant, disrespectful, scorning, and even insulting, sometimes :/ most hard, for me, to take their forced opinions seriously...

... some of the "pearls" they put in their last posts include the same ad nauseam tactics and arguments from the BTCtalk trolls
such is life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not new. I've kept an eye on DASH since launch and I bought in way before Masternodes were introduced. I've joined this forum in Oct 2014 as you can see in my forum profile.

I was looking to get into a decent anon coin. Before DASH there was only Anoncoin that now faded away and wasn't very tempting.
Yes, most probably, but if you read carefully how some of these newcomers make their comments and put their ideas, it's not hard to see they are being arrogant, disrespectful, scorning, and even insulting, sometimes :/ most hard, for me, to take their forced opinions seriously...

... some of the "pearls" they put in their last posts include the same ad nauseam tactics and arguments from the BTCtalk trolls

I agree with tante. Read between the lines. Half assed back handed insults not directed at people but made in passing comments. Give me a break. Let this be said. Any post even closely related to trolling is gonna hear a mouthful from me
I steer clear of bct for that reason. If the toxic bullshit flows here I will not hesitate to take a word crap on said trolls face.
I'm not new. I've kept an eye on DASH since launch and I bought in way before Masternodes were introduced. I've joined this forum in Oct 2014 as you can see in my forum profile.

I was looking to get into a decent anon coin. Before DASH there was only Anoncoin that now faded away and wasn't very tempting.

as posted above:
"i know the woods"
(that is you)

I try to stay under the radar, I've been into DASH now since Darkcoin about since June 2014, with me learning about this from my father, who I got into anarchism and cryptocurrency.

I own two masternodes with my dad, and I just want to say this:

As DASH gets more popular, expect more participation, my ideas may seem weird, but all I am doing is trying to contribute. What I like about DASH is it runs on passion, the opposite of most companies.

I understand my ideas my be bad or wrong at this time, but most employees wouldn't want to contribute in the way investors of DASH want to, just look at all of the amazing things happening!


Oops just realized you didn't talk shit about my threads, my dad told me you guys were talking about me last night lol
please do not take offense from the OP
rananius only means well and might not know a bunch of you guys
(i have you all on the radar since a while / in a good way)
the BCT paranoia is taking over a bit
and that is understandable

just as a general update :
i stopped posting all together on BCT
if you are looking for updates from my side, check here or other Dash Social Media outlets !
(BCT is a cesspool and i am tiered of posting there as i can not handle that negative energy)
please do not take offense from the OP
rananius only means well and might not know a bunch of you guys
(i have you all on the radar since a while / in a good way)
the BCT paranoia is taking over a bit
and that is understandable

just as a general update :
i stopped posting all together on BCT
if you are looking for updates from my side, check here or other Dash Social Media outlets !
(BCT is a cesspool and i am tiered of posting there as i can not handle that negative energy)

Yeah that forum has two/three trolls who basically ruin it. I wish we could moderate that thread somehow...
Honestly it doesn't bother my thick skin, what irks me is what drives them. Would they be paid? What would make someone spend hours everyday writing shitposts on that forum? It's absolutely confounding to me :what::what::what: