Is Dash getting chumped?


Well-known member
There are two budget projects for Dash debit cards that have not been updated:

305 dash
@Dr. Julian Hosp
UPDATE: an update has been posted! We are not being chumped by TenX.

450 dash

I think it is fair to expect regular updates (minimum monthly) on projects that are funded but not-yet-delivered. Updates should be posted at Dash Central, even if it's just a link to a forum post.
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I know Charlie has been in Dashnation slack occasionally with updates but nothing formal and/or publicised for community-wide distribution. Other than that, yes, I agree, it would be reassuring to hear timely progress updates.

There are two budget projects for Dash debit cards that have not been updated:

305 dash
@Dr. Julian Hosp

450 dash

I think it is fair to expect regular updates (minimum monthly) on projects that are funded but not-yet-delivered. Updates should be posted at Dash Central, even if it's just a link to a forum post.

I recall seeing an update from tenx about how the card is getting released in Singapore this month but US integration would take longer. I saw that 2 weeks ago or so.

As for Charlie's card, I saw him speaking about the card on dash nation slack, one of the other rooms not too long ago as well. Don't recall specifics.

Anyways, there are plenty of other proposals that I don't care to track too closely and often fall off my radar. Perhaps a subforum here meant to have proposal winners post updates would be nice. But in regards to the two you mention, I noticed them giving updates in various places, at least peripherally.
I don't think patience is needed. Just regular updates. The communication from both proposals is poor to say the least.
Charlie Shrem said on the Dash Nation Slack that he would post an update last weekend (May 1). Did not see it. I guess I missed it.
It's great to have a place where proposal owners can post updates and all, but it is entirely up to the proposal owners whether they even want to participate in it. What would be really beneficial to the network would be a framework for tracking proposals, outstanding questions, followup dates. We get proposals fading into oblivion, everyone forgets about them while we chase the latest shiny objects and very little consideration is made toward whether past promises have been kept. I think proposal owners deserve more credit where credit is due when a project is completed, and more accountability if they don't deliver. Proposal owners should have a current status description and next-update ETA (for ongoing projects), where the next update provides a new current status and addresses any relevant questions posed in the interim if not answered already. If they fail to provide an update by the estimated date, or if they do provide an update which is insufficient then that is a flag for followup. Then a final disposition about their project when they consider it to be completed.
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Any time you see a headline in the form of a controversial or alarming yes or no question, the answer is always no.

This general rule has few, if any, exceptions.

I challenge readers to prove me wrong.
Nice going Jim - its unexpected though. The charlie shrem one especially seemed to be supported by all. He has a reputation to maintain. Erm - says me about a guy who spent time in jail. TBH he will probably be looking for a bit of cash from someone to get him back on his feet.