Is darkcoin illegal?


Active member
I've been challenged by a few of my peers if darkcoin is legal. It's nothing like bitcoin and with RC4 around the corner that boasts even more functionality that will creases the rift between the 2 coins one has to ask if this is an enabler of crime.

What do you think?
I believe the most relevant counter question would be: "Is cash illegal?"

What is different about darkcoin than using plain cash?
To say any crypto currency is an enabler of crime is both misleading and ignorant. If that was the case than fiat currencies would be just as bad with "enabling" crime. No drug deal goes down with out any form of currency. Every nefarious character always uses cash or diamonds or gold or whatever is more convenient to them for the time. It's supremely ignorant to think that at one point in time in your life your cash hasn't been used for something like this. I read this a lot when crypto first came out but worse when places like silkroad got busted. Personally I don't care what one person does with their life but when major news outlets spew out tons of incorrect data and claims it to be profit I can get a little agitated but that's just me though.
Nothing about Darkcoin is inherently illegal, and Darkcoin does not facilitate illegal activity any more than cash does...
I've been challenged by a few of my peers if darkcoin is legal. It's nothing like bitcoin and with RC4 around the corner that boasts even more functionality that will creases the rift between the 2 coins one has to ask if this is an enabler of crime.

What do you think?
As Darkcoin is literally a accumulation of numbers (blockchain, blocks, transactions) and I still believe we live in a world where numbers are not illegal Darkcoin is not supposed to be illegal.

On that note:

4 85650 78965 73978 29309 84189 46942 86137 70744 20873 51357 92401 96520 73668 69851 34010 47237 44696 87974 39926 11751 09737 77701 02744 75280 49058 83138 40375 49709 98790 96539 55227 01171 21570 25974 66699 32402 26834 59661 96060 34851 74249 77358 46851 88556 74570 25712 54749 99648 21941 84655 71008 41190 86259 71694 79707 99152 00486 67099 75923 59606 13207 25973 79799 36188 60631 69144 73588 30024 53369 72781 81391 47979 55513 39994 93948 82899 84691 78361 00182 59789 01031 60196 18350 34344 89568 70538 45208 53804 58424 15654 82488 93338 04747 58711 28339 59896 85223 25446 08408 97111 97712 76941 20795 86244 05471 61321 00500 64598 20176 96177 18094 78113 62200 27234 48272 24932 32595 47234 68800 29277 76497 90614 81298 40428 34572 01463 48968 54716 90823 54737 83566 19721 86224 96943 16227 16663 93905 54302 41564 73292 48552 48991 22573 94665 48627 14048 21171 38124 38821 77176 02984 12552 44647 44505 58346 28144 88335 63190 27253 19590 43928 38737 64073 91689 12579 24055 01562 08897 87163 37599 91078 87084 90815 90975 48019 28576 84519 88596 30532 38234 90558 09203 29996 03234 47114 07760 19847 16353 11617 13078 57608 48622 36370 28357 01049 61259 56818 46785 96533 31007 70179 91614 67447 25492 72833 48691 60006 47585 91746 27812 12690 07351 83092 41530 10630 28932 95665 84366 20008 00476 77896 79843 82090 79761 98594 93646 30938 05863 36721 46969 59750 27968 77120 57249 96666 98056 14533 82074 12031 59337 70309 94915 27469 18356 59376 21022 20068 12679 82734 45760 93802 03044 79122 77498 09179 55938 38712 10005 88766 68925 84487 00470 77255 24970 60444 65212 71304 04321 18261 01035 91186 47666 29638 58495 08744 84973 73476 86142 08805 29443
Legality is a concept linked to laws and jurisdictions, so there is no way to talk in absolute terms about it. On the other hand, cryptos are something super new. Laws haven't caught up with bitcoin yet, so don't ask them about darkcoin!

Darkcoin is about privacy and many governments have recognized the right to privacy. It can be used to illegal things (just like cash... or even bank accounts!), but there are many more legal uses, so there should be no problem in the future with darkcoin as a concept. They may try to regulate some aspects, but that's all in my opinion. This doesn't mean that if you do illegal things with darkcoin you'll be alright, they will still be illegal, but not because you do them with darkcoin.

My bet is that governments will try to regulate cryptos as they grow because it is a part of the economy that escapes their taxes and they are revenue-hungry. The problem for them is that it is not easy. They may regulate some big points of exchange between fiat and cryptos, but trying any other thing is pointless. That is a big part of the money entering the crypto world, but not the only one. People mine, sell products or services... or even buy cryptos peer to peer in markets like localbitcoins.

Another thing I believe they may do in the future, in their quest to tax everything, is to datamine the blockchain. If they do, that will be a huge advantage in favour of darkcoin because it protects the privacy of its users better than other cryptos. I don't say it will happen tomorrow, but I think it will happen. Old transactions will still be there, so people should be conscious that every time they use bitcoin, it will stay there. Forever. You don't have to be evading taxes to desire that your government don't sniff into your transactions and profile you. Or your insurance company... but I'm diverting from the topic!
I would reply but Fernando's answer was on target. I would only add that the notion of privacy having anything to do with something illegal is silly. You would not want everybody knowing your bank accounts balances, salary, expending habits, etc. Darkcoin is not the problem is the solution. About people doing bad things they have been doing them since the beginning of time and no currency will change that.
I will add one thing. Regulators/legislators are not always informed people, and even when they are they act moved by headlines in the news. Perception is everything, especially in such an early stage as we are now. So...

Please, please, please, be responsible with how you talk about darkcoin. Comments are taken out of context and spread like wildfire. Then people develop misguided perceptions and bad regulation happen or people don't adopt darkcoin. This goes especially for those with more public profiles, but applies to everyone.
I consider nothing illegal as long it's not explicitly written down somewhere.

American law (in theory, not always in practice) operates under the assumption that all things are permissible unless expressly prohibited. But I once heard someone say that it was the opposite in the UK, but I'm not sure if they meant the modern UK or medieval Britain (was mentioned in a historical disucssion).
It's been an interesting conversation to have. A lot of the folks I work with have this magical idea that cryptos are helping and aiding illegal activity. I disagree totally.

This thread has helped in my counter argument.
American law (in theory, not always in practice) operates under the assumption that all things are permissible unless expressly prohibited. But I once heard someone say that it was the opposite in the UK, but I'm not sure if they meant the modern UK or medieval Britain (was mentioned in a historical disucssion).
I do encourage to read the book "Freedom Is More Than a 7-Letter Word" by Veronica Chapman to actually understand by what kind of rules you have to abide, based on basic principles of the common folk that used to judge things by common sense rather than lawyers and jurisdiction based on hundreds of thousands of pages of legalese.

According to the book, we are led to believe that we have to follow statutes that have no real inherent foundation or ground on which they operate, other than the wish of some power-hungry individuals, yet we are led to believe that if we do not follow them, we will end up in jail (the author gives some pretty good information on how to avoid this though, shall you decide to join such a movement). Of course the ground on which this book is written is highly biased on the Freeman On The Land Movement itself but still contains a few good commonsensical principles on which we can at least understand the entire situation better the author finds herself in while remaining on a pretty safe ground in the middle without actually breaking any "laws" that could endanger you to end up in court.
Uh, yeah, while we're at it, I suggest H.D. THOREAU "Resistance to Civil Government" (1848) and D. GRAEBER "Direct Action" (2013).
As Darkcoin is literally a accumulation of numbers (blockchain, blocks, transactions) and I still believe we live in a world where numbers are not illegal Darkcoin is not supposed to be illegal.

On that note:

4 85650 78965 73978 29309 84189 46942 86137 70744 20873 51357 92401 96520 73668 69851 34010 47237 44696 87974 39926 11751 09737 77701 02744 75280 49058 83138 40375 49709 98790 96539 55227 01171 21570 25974 66699 32402 26834 59661 96060 34851 74249 77358 46851 88556 74570 25712 54749 99648 21941 84655 71008 41190 86259 71694 79707 99152 00486 67099 75923 59606 13207 25973 79799 36188 60631 69144 73588 30024 53369 72781 81391 47979 55513 39994 93948 82899 84691 78361 00182 59789 01031 60196 18350 34344 89568 70538 45208 53804 58424 15654 82488 93338 04747 58711 28339 59896 85223 25446 08408 97111 97712 76941 20795 86244 05471 61321 00500 64598 20176 96177 18094 78113 62200 27234 48272 24932 32595 47234 68800 29277 76497 90614 81298 40428 34572 01463 48968 54716 90823 54737 83566 19721 86224 96943 16227 16663 93905 54302 41564 73292 48552 48991 22573 94665 48627 14048 21171 38124 38821 77176 02984 12552 44647 44505 58346 28144 88335 63190 27253 19590 43928 38737 64073 91689 12579 24055 01562 08897 87163 37599 91078 87084 90815 90975 48019 28576 84519 88596 30532 38234 90558 09203 29996 03234 47114 07760 19847 16353 11617 13078 57608 48622 36370 28357 01049 61259 56818 46785 96533 31007 70179 91614 67447 25492 72833 48691 60006 47585 91746 27812 12690 07351 83092 41530 10630 28932 95665 84366 20008 00476 77896 79843 82090 79761 98594 93646 30938 05863 36721 46969 59750 27968 77120 57249 96666 98056 14533 82074 12031 59337 70309 94915 27469 18356 59376 21022 20068 12679 82734 45760 93802 03044 79122 77498 09179 55938 38712 10005 88766 68925 84487 00470 77255 24970 60444 65212 71304 04321 18261 01035 91186 47666 29638 58495 08744 84973 73476 86142 08805 29443
And now I'm being sued....
I look at it in terms of Adena, the currency of the computer game Lineage 2.
Farming Adena is somewhat similar to Mining a crypto, but people choose to buy instead.

People buy in-game items with Adena but on forums people barter for real items. I thought Adena or Bitcoin/Darkcoin are legal so long as the real items involved are legal in your jurisdiction/s.
I look at it in terms of Adena, the currency of the computer game Lineage 2.
Farming Adena is somewhat similar to Mining a crypto, but people choose to buy instead.

People buy in-game items with Adena but on forums people barter for real items. I thought Adena or Bitcoin/Darkcoin are legal so long as the real items involved are legal in your jurisdiction/s.
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