IPv6 only Masternode


New member
Is it possible to run a standard masternode using IPv6 address only?
Having a separate public IPv4 address for each masternode seems to be such a waste of resources...
I live in Colombia. I don't think the internet providers outside the USA even know what IPV6 is yet. Definitely not supported here.
It is technically supported in v0.12.0 (current mainnet release) -- however, this is being removed in version 0.12.1x as a temporary workaround to solve Proof-of-Service issues. Not all nodes are able to connect to IPv6 and those MN's are unable to service IPv4 nodes/clients. That said, there will be a transition plan to enable IPv6 in the future, though it might not be IPv6-only.

It may be that MN's, as the backbone of the Dash network, are required to support both in the future, in order to provide connectivity to as many nodes as possible. This is conjecture and just my opinion, please do not quote me on it.