That seems to happen with projects and parties with whom you get involved...It is regrettable that such a positive turn of events has soured so quickly...
Don't listen to the core developers?! Even if they were spouting nonsense we are unlikely to just stop listening, something would have to be done.
I will not be using anything you have been involved with [redacted]
Well I would say some of the reasoning in the start of this thread is not exactly rock solid
"The app appears to be based on the official Dash wallet previously rejected by Apple. However, because the source code of the app is not externally verifiable, the risk exists that the application might contain malicious code intended to defraud users."
The source code of the any app on the AppStore is not externally verifiable. So any app has this risk. Perhaps Ryan meant that the source code of the app is not externally verifiable by him. As a developer of iphone apps, a statement like this by the core team would probably kill off interest in people using my app. This in turn kills off any diversity in the ecosystem where everything needs to be done by core team only or perhaps only by projects 'approved' by the core team. Stellabelle was afraid to even do testing of a wallet not sanctioned by core, even though there would be no need to risk more than a couple of cents. I don't see all of this as promising for the future of Dash
I don't think it's unreasonable for Core Team to ask to see a Dash wallet's source code when it's a wallet that's been created by an unknown community member. Of course, said community member can tell them to pound sand, and said Core Team can make a public service announcement encouraging everybody to be cautious. Of course, users can tell Core Team to pound sand and use the wallet anyway.
On the other hand, a "Core Team has reviewed the source and we believe this to be a legitimate and problem-free app and we believe the community may freely use it" would go a long way to speeding adoption. However, it's entirely your decision as an app developer.
Bingo.everything needs to be done by core team only or perhaps only by projects 'approved' by the core team.
That seems to happen with projects and parties with whom you get involved...
As verdant as this report seems to be, my past experience with you requires that I suggest to the community that we're almost certainly not getting the whole story, but only the part of it that suits your optics and might give you leverage.
Maybe it's entirely legit, but your name carries a stigma that only a fool would ignore.
I have no first-hand knowledge of this situation, but the pattern is getting hard to ignore. Anything Ryan can't control and take credit for ends up getting slandered into nothingness, and once helpful parties simply find better things to do than put up with his dirty games.
The shoe fits. Again. Still...
The advertised purpose would still never be fulfilled, but he would end up with control. Not getting his way, slander. He does the same thing every time he doesn't get his way. With no concern for the delays and loss to the project as a whole.
Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
Same thing he always does.
We've watched this same dirty game play out over and over and over again, and who's always in the middle? When will MNOs wake up?
We could already be using DASH in retail. It could be old news by now. But the petty need to play this game is more important than progress.
Lets not be snowflakes about this tho... I voted down your proposal. Not because I hate you, or think it was necessarily a bad idea. I just don't think that the DASH budget should be a grant system for external projects. My neighbors shouldn't pay my electric bill, either.Yep, that was our fatal error that lead to our demise........Yes, and we have moved on to find better things but I care enough to share with those who think they will be rewarded/supported for bringing immense value to the community. You will be stepped on by the giraffe if you have not received proper support and kissed the ring.
Yep, I feel the pain. Dash Corp private blockchain is obvious. How many unique human MNOs are there really? Granted the corporations's little song and dance is fully supported by the few non-company MNO's for now, but first real sign of trouble they will already be gone.
Without relevance or use by both consumers and businesses (small and big), there is zero chance of Dash seen as money. It is one missed or blundered opportunity after another for real adoption, which is where Dash could immediately shine over Bitcoin and is quickly extinguished for short sited reasons. I am not saying there is overt malice, but this only company approved approach has destroyed almost all chance of organically growing decentralization and Dash adoption. Centralized governance is hands down the best approach initially, but just like all others before them they hit that glass ceiling of scalability and instead of letting go of the weight absolute power causes........they hold on to it all the way to the bottom of the ocean.
I am using Dash in retail both in POS and Retail, there are great options for both that have been available for months........but unless another merchant like me who is crazy enough to spend the time to read this forum and spend time to type out a response, no one in retail has a single reason to care about Dash or any crypto at this point. They don't care about that another exchange is integrating Dash to make it easier to dump or pump or another marketing angle on how Dash is less hollow than any other payment processor. In the end the Dash Corp has proven they would rather burn the money they don't need than let any other contributor steal their thunder. Just my 2 duffs.
As a real DASH newbie (In fact my first forage into crypto) I find the conversation here quite disturbing. I thought that DASH had a very stable community that cared about the development and promotion of the currency. After reading this I am not so sure. It looks like it is as paralysed with ego and in fighting as some of the other currencies. Sad day.
...... and to think that after reading through the pages and some posts, I actually gave you some respect. Obviously wrong to do so as you really are quite vile. I wish you all the very best. Have a nice life.