Introducting the Trust Protectors Forum Account

dear DTPs,

Why this official DTPs account, did not publish the results?

Who manage this account ?

Is it possible that instead of having an anonymous account, a spokesperson is designated, the DTPs who received the most votes ?

DTPs are elected individually and are individually responsible for their choice and their word, would it be possible to add under the name:
DTP spokeperson

When do the new DTPs take office?

Do the new DTPs have an account on the forum?

thank you,
Hello Dash Community,

This is our new forum handle and email address which we will use for all official correspondence going forward.


Dash Trust Protectors

Could you please specify Dash Trust Protectors email address? The message is about a new email address, but for some reason you didn't give it.
Thanks @Venomsownz. @JOL - apologies for the delay in responding here. To answer your questions:
  • Because the DTPs didn't run the election, we didn't independently publish of publicize the results. There were quite a few other folks who shared that info. That said, we are working on our own web presence.
  • It's a group account (Google Group / email distribution list), so all the DTPs manage it together, and coordinate who will respond, what we will say, etc.
  • Yes, for practical purposes, we designate a "spokesperson" to do most of the communicating. And yes, there will be times when we'll still communicate as individual DTPs, using individual accounts. However, it's also important to have an single "official" DTP account, which is why we created this account here on the forum, and the official DTP email address as well (which is [email protected], by the way - @existingdash ). The point of the official account isn't anonymity--we're not anonymous; it's public info who the DTPs are--but rather efficiency of official communications/statements. Again, where appropriate, all DTPs are free to comment on things individually.
  • The new DTPs are currently being validated by the trustee, and, while there's no pre-defined start date, I suspect the paperwork will be completed in the next week or two. The current DTPs are trying to move that process along as quickly as possible.
  • The new DTPs will take over the existing communication tools/channels of the current DTPs--this account on the forum, the DTP email address, etc.
Let me know if I missed anything!
Dear @i-am-sigmund,

thank you for your answers

It's a group account (Google Group / email distribution list), so all the DTPs manage it together, and coordinate who will respond, what we will say, etc.

If you understand what this means legally, this is a friendly remark. I hope that no one flips out like with the previous DTPs and that it doesn't fall on all the new DTPs.

Have you already considered closing DCG if the network decides to do so?

As you know, Dash's voting system allows a very small minority to block a project. And that if they are not satisfied with what the DTPs are bringing about change to DCG, they can simply express their disagreement by blocking funding for DCG. As the community is divided there is more chance for this to happen than when the community was united, from my point of view. We'll see when you propose changes, will they go in the direction of the small destructive minority that is very vocal, or in the direction of the silent majority.

The DCG has been set up to interact with the real world, the institutions, the companies and the talents that evolve in the normal world as employees with known rights and duties. Be careful not to turn it into a unicorn. As a reminder, the DCG has done 90% of the integrations, 99% of the Dash code, for only 60% of the budget. Despite a picture painted publicly by a destructive minority, skewing reality, it is the most successful to date funded by the budget (not to say that it can not be improved).

Be careful not to copy less successful utopian models currently funded by the budget.

Ryan + DCG + DIF = Dashdirect, Who says better ?

Have a nice day.