Abdul kudus Mutaru
New member
Hello Community, I am Abdul Kudus Mutaru known on Dash community as zambang. I am a Dash enthusiast and a cryptoprenuer. I am submitting my first proposal to embark on a project dubbed: Introducing Dash to Businesses in Ghana. Myself and my team have held a number of meet ups to promote dash digital currency and our works can be found here https://dash-africa.com/neo/
Notwithstanding that, Thedesertlynx has written a number of articles about us and many of them can be found through the following links: https://www.dashforcenews.com/dash-...-countries-dedicated-continent-wide-adoption/ https://www.dashforcenews.com/dash-meetups-catch-on-across-africa/ . http://dashespanol.com/blog/2017/10/6/dash-global-apoya-encuentros-de-dash-en-africa/ .
Links to our meet ups and videos can equally be found here
, https://imgur.com/gallery/g9mc3 , https://imgur.com/gallery/LysWK , a link to our Dash Radio Talk show
There are only a few businesses in Ghana that accepts Dash as a medium of exchange. The lack of businesses accepting Dash is holding back Dash users from trading with it despite the increment of Dash usability in Ghana.
Our solution has to do with equiping the operators of business and market traders to accept Dash as a means of payment for goods and services. The reason being that, until a number of businesses begin to accept Dash as a means of payment, people won’t start using their Dash, our solution aims at targeting more on small scale businesses across the country with immediate target of the industrial regions of Ghana; Accra, Kumasi, Tema, Tamale and Takoradi, this will eventually make it more accessible for people to get their Dash spent and of course it will attract newbies and in the long run augment Dash user base.
Also, as part of the project a number of Dash Exchange centers will be established in every region of Ghana so as to make it more easy and affordable for people to quickly exchange their Dash for Ghanaian Cedi and the vice versa. Dash has no physical location anywhere in Ghana where people can exchange their fiat for Dash. With this people are freely to walk into any exchange center to get their fiat being converted to Dash and more businesses will begin to accept Dash.
Gradually cryptocurrency adoption in Africa is taking roots at an admirable pace. However, one critical area that needs a big push is merchants and business acceptance as a form of payment for goods and services. It is very indispensable since that will boost adoption and offer Africans the freedom and convenience virtual currencies brings.
Ghana is one of the four countries where cryptocurrency adoption is picking up remarkably. The West African Nation is home to over 25.9 million people and counted among entities where monetary mismanagement has ruined lives and wealth creation. There is no doubt the country is ripe for use of cryptocurrencies.
Myself and my team have interviewed a number of small-scale businesses and market traders prior to this project and the responses revealed that most people shun banks due to a number of reasons which include lack of trust, difficulty in accessing funds, cumbersome procedures in opening accounts, and high interest charges on loans. Surprisingly, most Small and Medium Enterprises owners affirmed that they cannot trust banks with their savings due to hidden charges and unclear condition.
We want to create a simple and easy platform for hundreds of businesses in Ghana which will bring together operators of restaurants, hotels, gas stations, estate agencies, travels and tours, supermarkets, car rentals, online shops to accept Dash cryptocurrency as a form of payment for goods and services. This project will see a meet ups of business owners, one-on-one interactions with businesses on the need to accept Dash as a means of payment for goods and services and a radio talk show.
We are requesting for 18 Dash every month in the next three months including proposal fee of 5 Dash making it 23 Dash to enable us to carry out this project. Pictures and videos will be posted to the Dash community
Transportation in each industrial region $800
Accommodation and feeding for a month $1800
Dash T-shirts $400
Conference Room $300
Refreshment for participants $200
One Radio Talk Show $300
Flyers, stickers, Dash wrist band etc $420
Camera for pictures and videos $275
Tokens for participants $200
Total $4695
Contingency of 7% $328.65
Sub Total $5023.65
Establishment of Dash Exchange Centers 4 DASH
Plus proposal fee of 5 Dash 23 Dash
Hello Community, I am Abdul Kudus Mutaru known on Dash community as zambang. I am a Dash enthusiast and a cryptoprenuer. I am submitting my first proposal to embark on a project dubbed: Introducing Dash to Businesses in Ghana. Myself and my team have held a number of meet ups to promote dash digital currency and our works can be found here https://dash-africa.com/neo/
Notwithstanding that, Thedesertlynx has written a number of articles about us and many of them can be found through the following links: https://www.dashforcenews.com/dash-...-countries-dedicated-continent-wide-adoption/ https://www.dashforcenews.com/dash-meetups-catch-on-across-africa/ . http://dashespanol.com/blog/2017/10/6/dash-global-apoya-encuentros-de-dash-en-africa/ .
Links to our meet ups and videos can equally be found here
There are only a few businesses in Ghana that accepts Dash as a medium of exchange. The lack of businesses accepting Dash is holding back Dash users from trading with it despite the increment of Dash usability in Ghana.
Our solution has to do with equiping the operators of business and market traders to accept Dash as a means of payment for goods and services. The reason being that, until a number of businesses begin to accept Dash as a means of payment, people won’t start using their Dash, our solution aims at targeting more on small scale businesses across the country with immediate target of the industrial regions of Ghana; Accra, Kumasi, Tema, Tamale and Takoradi, this will eventually make it more accessible for people to get their Dash spent and of course it will attract newbies and in the long run augment Dash user base.
Also, as part of the project a number of Dash Exchange centers will be established in every region of Ghana so as to make it more easy and affordable for people to quickly exchange their Dash for Ghanaian Cedi and the vice versa. Dash has no physical location anywhere in Ghana where people can exchange their fiat for Dash. With this people are freely to walk into any exchange center to get their fiat being converted to Dash and more businesses will begin to accept Dash.
Gradually cryptocurrency adoption in Africa is taking roots at an admirable pace. However, one critical area that needs a big push is merchants and business acceptance as a form of payment for goods and services. It is very indispensable since that will boost adoption and offer Africans the freedom and convenience virtual currencies brings.
Ghana is one of the four countries where cryptocurrency adoption is picking up remarkably. The West African Nation is home to over 25.9 million people and counted among entities where monetary mismanagement has ruined lives and wealth creation. There is no doubt the country is ripe for use of cryptocurrencies.
Myself and my team have interviewed a number of small-scale businesses and market traders prior to this project and the responses revealed that most people shun banks due to a number of reasons which include lack of trust, difficulty in accessing funds, cumbersome procedures in opening accounts, and high interest charges on loans. Surprisingly, most Small and Medium Enterprises owners affirmed that they cannot trust banks with their savings due to hidden charges and unclear condition.
We want to create a simple and easy platform for hundreds of businesses in Ghana which will bring together operators of restaurants, hotels, gas stations, estate agencies, travels and tours, supermarkets, car rentals, online shops to accept Dash cryptocurrency as a form of payment for goods and services. This project will see a meet ups of business owners, one-on-one interactions with businesses on the need to accept Dash as a means of payment for goods and services and a radio talk show.
We are requesting for 18 Dash every month in the next three months including proposal fee of 5 Dash making it 23 Dash to enable us to carry out this project. Pictures and videos will be posted to the Dash community
Transportation in each industrial region $800
Accommodation and feeding for a month $1800
Dash T-shirts $400
Conference Room $300
Refreshment for participants $200
One Radio Talk Show $300
Flyers, stickers, Dash wrist band etc $420
Camera for pictures and videos $275
Tokens for participants $200
Total $4695
Contingency of 7% $328.65
Sub Total $5023.65
Establishment of Dash Exchange Centers 4 DASH
Plus proposal fee of 5 Dash 23 Dash
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