Gregory Mawuli

New member


Hello community my name is Gregory mawuli name on discord as Greg phlai from Togo I submit my first pre proposal. Most often the marketing and advertising about DASH goes first to countries before the ecosystem is built. After doing a lot of research as to how to achieve massive adoption my team and I have decided to build the ecosystem in Togo alongside the marketing. We believe by so doing the massive adoption will be easier to achieve since the businesses knowing the benefits they will get, will start to market DASH themselves. Again by creating the ecosystem alongside the marketing we give the people of Togo the need to use DASH in their day to day transactions.


Togo is divided into five regions namely centrale, Kara, Maritime, Plateau and savenes with Lome been the capital city which is located in Maritime. Togo shares borders with Ghana where cryptocurrency is gradually gaining root, a lot of economic activities go on between Ghana and Togo introducing DASH in Togo can really help economic activities to boom since receiving remittances and money can be made easily, focusing on instant aspect of DASH

Gradually cryptocurrency adoption in Africa is taking roots at an admirable pace. However, one critical area that needs a big push is merchants and business accepting DASH as a form of payment for goods and services. It is very indispensable since that will boost adoption and offer Africans the freedom and conveniency virtual currencies brings.

Togo is one of the countries where cryptocurrency has not being introduced to . The West African Nation is home to over 7.606 million people and counted among entities where monetary mismanagement has ruined lives and wealth creation. There is no doubt the country is ripe for use of cryptocurrencies. And DASH can use this as first mover advantage to capture Togo for it to become first Cryptocurrency in Togo

Myself and my team have interviewed a number of small-scale businesses, large-scale businesses and market traders prior to this project and the responses revealed that most people shun banks due to a number of reasons which include lack of trust, difficulty in accessing funds, cumbersome procedures in opening accounts, and high interest charges on loans. Surprisingly, most Small and Medium Enterprises owners affirmed that they cannot trust banks with their savings due to hidden charges and unclear condition.

We want to create a simple and easy platform for hundreds of businesses in Togo which will bring together operators of restaurants, hotels, gas stations, estate agencies, travels and tours, supermarkets, car rentals, online shops to accept DASH as a form of payment for goods and services. This project will see meet ups of business owners, one-on-one interactions with businesses organizatios, cooperate bodies and individuals on the need to accept DASH


There are no businesses in togo that accepts DASH as a medium of exchange. The lack of businesses accepting DASH will prevent Togolese from adopting DASH. Again Togo is cryptocurrency free with a lot of fiat issues that is with high inflation rate .

2.Togo is virgin when it come to cryptocurrency so DASH can use first mover advantage to capture the people of Togo when its come to cryptocurrency.

3. There is also lack of both online and physical exchanges in Togo.


Our solution has to do with equiping the operators of business and market traders to accept DASH as a means of payment for goods and services. The reason being that, until a number of businesses begin to accept DASH as a means of payment, people won’t start using their DASH. We aim at building the ecosystem of DASH in Togo first before the massive adoption. our solution aims at targeting more on small scale businesses, large scale businesses individuals etc across the country with immediate target of the capital of Togo, Lome(Lomé, with a population of 837,437 metro population 1,570,283), is the capital and largest city of Togo. Located on the Gulf of Guinea, Lomé is the country's administrative and industrial center and its chief port. The city exports coffee, cocoa, copra, and palm kernels. It also has an oil refinery). Eventually make it more accessible for people to get their DASH spent and of course it will attract newbies and in the long run augment DASH user base.

Also, as part of the project a number of DASH Exchange centers will be established in maritime region of Togo so as to make it more easy and affordable for people to quickly exchange their DASH for fiat easily and the vice versa. DASH has no physical location anywhere in Togo where people can exchange their fiat for DASH. With this people are free to walk into any exchange center to get their fiat being converted to DASH and more businesses will begin to accept Dash.

Conferences will be held in the various capital cities in Togo. One conference in each city. Why the conference before we invade each city we will begin with a conference to invite the people in that cities to open new wallet and also educate them on the need to accept DASH and used it in their day to day transactions. However the introduction of DASH to businesses and exchanges establishment will start from Maritime region the industrial and most populous region of the country for us to see how the people and businesses embrace it before we will extend to other regions of the country.

Why DASH in Togo will help massive adoption in west Africa.

Togo is bordered by Ghana to the west. Ghana is growing very well when it come to cryptocurrency. There is a lot of economic activities that goes on between Ghana and Togo. Here is the case you have to change your Togolese currency to Ghana currency and vice versa this comes with hidden charges which are very high. So if DASH gains root in Togo like Ghana with the instant, private and border free nature of DASH economic activities between Ghana and Togo will be smooth and convenient which will contribute to the massive adoption we are all looking for. Again cryptocurrency in French countries in Africa is very minimal massive adoption in Togo means there will be expansion to other French countries too.

Partnership With Other Organizations

We will partner with organizations who share the same ideology with us and speak at their events. We will do presentations to the audience
and members and have an inquiry desk at the event were people could come for more information.


The objective of this proposal is to take DASH from a “speculative asset” to a “cryptocurrency with high utility” in Togo. Once businesses begins to accept DASH exchanges available and conferences are completed, the advantages are obvious, the aim is to make DASH a currency


Website for DASH Togo will be created where all our activities will be post there.

Videos, pictures and all necessary information concerning our activities will be communicated to all enthusiasts of DASH on various platforms of DASH

DashAfrica website will also be used effectively.


This project will be executed for three month. Starting with maritime region Lome for the first 2 month and then followed by the other regions


Dash price was taken as $330

Establishment of physical and online exchanges $2,100

Transport within the regions for a months. $800

Accommodation and feeding for a month $1900

DASH T shirts for the conferences $1200

Conference room plus refreshment for conferences 650*6

DASH banners, stickers, roll up banners, fliers $790

Camera for pictures and videos $520

Projector $400

Give away for a month $920

Contingency $700

Total 10,330


+5DASH escrow fee

+ 5DASH proposal fee

Total DASH 42
Hello, greetings from Venezuela.

I like that you are interested in opening the doors of your country to get involved with Dash. I think you should explain your pre-proposal in a more detailed way so people get visually interested on reading it, including the budget. Maybe you can do a sort of table and organize the information.

I can confirm that cryptos and specifically Dash can help people living in a country with inflation or hyperinflation (like the Venezuelan case), so there's an advantage for Togo and its people. However, as an opinion or suggestions, you should only begin on helding conferences (as you explained) and focus on that work. Education is the first step if you want to introduce something new in any environment. So maybe focusing on it, you can later see the results and review the possibilities of doing more things.

I also would like to know what would be the content of those conferences: what aspects would you teach, and so on... that depends on what public is going to assist to those conferences.

Looking forward to support you from Dash Youth Venezuela. We are a team that works on giving discussion forums and lectures to schools and universities in the country, so maybe we can help you.

The best of lucks!
@Gregory Mawuli , thank you for your pre-proposal. It sounds like you've done your homework and have a solid grasp on the task ahead of you, what makes for a functioning ecosystem. The one piece that I believe is missing from your formula--and perhaps the most difficult one with which many of our projects struggle--has two parts:

1. In order for people to spend Dash at merchants and create that circular flow of a Dash ecosystem, individuals need to first obtain and possess Dash. Currently, there are some solutions for this, but not all solutions service every region of the world. I noticed that you included plans to create exchanges, but there are many regulatory obstacles in creating these in many countries, so you'll need to be sure that this is a feasible project for you and your team or that you're able to work with partners for whom this is feasible. More than exchanges, however, people also need ways of *earning* Dash, ways to do work and use their skills and knowledge to obtain Dash even if they don't have the money to invest in an exchange. Helping merchants to obtain Dash will enable them to pay their employees, certainly, but the customers will also need to have Dash before they can spend it.

2. Many people still see cryptocurrency as a speculative investment, and indeed, in places where there is economic uncertainty, especially where there are problems like hyperinflation, people will want to hold on to their Dash and not spend it, so they will need incentives of some kind to spend their Dash as much as they are using it to hold and secure their profits in lieu of untrustworthy banks.

The other thing I was going to mention is that your project identifies all of the key points, but it is very ambitious for a small team to accomplish, so as @Showny M. Azar Raheb recommended, it may be better to start simply with conferences to see how potential partners and participants in this ecosystem will respond, and then move forward with larger plans for integrations and infrastructure. Over all, though, your budget seems reasonable, just make sure you solidify your plans, your team, and the scope of your project before you decide to move forward with your work.
@Arthyron thank you for your candid suggestions and comment on the proposal. My team and I will consider this as an advice and work tirelessly at it to introduce and create Dash ecosystem in Togo. Thanks you