
Personally, the more I think of it the more I like LockSend actually (and LS as an abbreviation is also slightly better than IS imo).... hmmm..... probably because it's more accurate technically (because that's what actually is going on - tx inputs are locked so that no other tx can use them as its input for some period of time) and I'm a tech guy, you know ;) but is it descriptive enough for normal user? :confused:
Brain Dev is Best Dev. :p

Given the new definition of "normal," nothing is going to help that user. I'm talking about the people who actually think, at least a little. You know, VENDORS. Who have already done the research and know that crypto is not for them because transactions are not secured. Quit thinking that the dumbest of the dumb is the only person you need to worry about. You could call it DickButtTittySend and it'd be all the same to morons...

There is nothing that will be descriptive enough as a one-word brand name. ell, that's the definition of branding a function... You're not trying to explain it all perfectly in one word. But, you can do yourself a favor and NOT steer them down the WRONG road on purpose...

Emphasize it in a way that has appeal... We've got 9 years of BitClones. Everybody who has looked at it knows there's no transaction security. We're not talking about end users. We're talking about vendors. This is the point of contention. This is the point where BitCoins are vendor-hostile, and DASH is not. You might want to, you know, mention it! Give it a name that warrants a reason for vendors to say "Oh, so someone finally fixed that fatal flaw we've been screaming about for almost a decade, we can use this crypto stuff now!"

Crypto is self-absorbed. They're idiot socialists. They have no idea where their free stuff comes from, or the needs of those suppliers. Even if you're paying with Food Stamps or EBT, the person being paid expects to actually get paid! All cryptotards think about is the user experience, because it is born of a generation of people who have no idea that commerce isn't just you buying crap at a convenience store. If you don't support the infrastructure behind that top-level, then nobody is going to use it. IX was written specifically for this! SAY SO! Holy shit! It's THE thing that matters! I said this years ago! Pay attention! It won't matter how slick your user experience is, if you fail to realize that "user" includes Vendors, and their experience FUCKING SUCKS! No matter how loud they scream it, socialists don't listen, because socialists don't care. They don't give a shit if the vendor actually gets that money, they swiped their card and walked away. It was free government tax money anyhow, so what? The Vendor experience with crypto is ABSOLUTE SHIT! You might want to mention the thing that changes all that, oh, and DASH has it...

I've been harping on this since the Miami Debacle FOR A REASON. Nobody involved in this projects seems to understand that Vendors are "users" too. Absolutely no effort at all is put into the Vendor Experience, because no participating party, from the devs to the trolls, has any clue what business is or how it operates. You're catering to what you understand. I get it. Am I the only one who has any experience in actual get-shit-done Industry? No wonder absolutely no one in Crypto sees the gaping hole I keep talking about... The blind leading the blind. Even with that cool new plugin (which My MNs upvoted), I still don't have DASH on my website... Because the plugin was written from the perspective of someone who just doesn't get it, even when given feedback... I'd love to accept DASH, but the Vendor Experience is still completely butt-fucked-terrible. I realize it's being neglected simply because nobody involved has the first damn clue that vendors matter. Why would a socialist think of it? It's like explaining a rainbow to someone born without eyes.... Light? Color? I've never heard of this, ignore this crazy guy! We all know there's no such thing!

Think of it this way... You're telling people that DASH IS EXACTLY THE SAME, which deprives them of any motivation to then do research to find out that it's different... If I told you that this new product I'm peddling offers no benefits of any kind, but then buried deep in a whitepaper somewhere, you mention how fundamentally awesome it is, and that it's actually not the same at all.... See the problem?

It's about moving them in the right direction, nothing more. The current method moves them in the wrong direction, then has a defintion that jerks them in a totally different direction.

I'll put it in a real-life example. Since the beginning of there being a government in the State of Floriduh, Motorcycles required no special license. In the span of one year, they took it to the opposite extreme. Not only was a special endorsement required, they took NOT having the endorsement past that of a ticket, all the way to being a criminal offense. Now, after having been told my whole life that there's nothing special I need to do, suddenly, I'm a criminal! I get arrested for not having an endorsement on my license that I've been told my entire life doesn't even exist. I presented the Judge with the following argument. "I realize ignroance is no defense; but I am not ignorant. I have been advised that there is nothing special I need to do by the very entity which is now calling me a criminal, for something I've been doing for many years. Malicious Intent comes to mind." The Judge saw it my way. Charges dismissed on the condition that I get the endorsement within 60 days.

The bottom line; people don't ask questions to which they already have the answer. Do you do research to find out how old you are? You already know. Of course not.

If the name of the feature emphasizes something we already know... Why are we advertising a non-benefit? But, then, in reality, it does something completely different... It puts people off of asking any questions about it, while simultaneously making DASH look stupid for advertising something that every other crypto has already...

LockSend. UpYourButtSend... It really doesn't matter if it's not quite right. Even if it's something totally off the wall, bizarre tells you nothing and forces you to ask a question. But, deliberately misdirecting your own advertised feature with a name that undermines it... Holy crap, are you kidding me? I'm not barking about finding a better name. I'm barking about finding a name that's not self-destructive to the purpose... Call it SuperTittyFuckinSend if you want, at least that makes someone wonder what the hell it means, instead of giving a false description that shuts off all curiosity and makes DASH look stupid...

I may be known for hyperbole, but it seems that's what it takes to get the message across...
Forgive my ignorance, but is there a reason we cannot have all transactions be spendlock/locksend/quickconfirm/lock'n'send/instawhateverX by default? That way, there's no need to name it except in marketing materials, as it is a default function of the coin itself (which would makes the marketing easier and more honest, imo). We could still have the old-fashioned way of spending be available as an advanced option.
That's the plan, my man. Eventually. It's been stated already that Evolution will be this way. But, much like multisession mixing, it's a flaged feature right now, until it becomes proven reliable enough to be mainstream.

DASH is not a copy of Bitcoin. You don't just fork and call it a day "oh, the original code was stable." DASH has way too much of what is missing from BitClones. All fresh, being written as we speak.

We are experiencing the process of evolving. These feature adds, Masternodes themselves, are completely new things. They need testing. Both on testnet, and in the wild. One piece proven at a time until it can be made default. The features being added are much more complicated than the entire bitcoin code base was in the first place. Many coins graft a nifty little idea onto bitcoin. Like grafting a leaf onto a tree. DASH is going the opposite direction. DASH is grafting an entire rainforest onto a weed, and trying to keep as much of it backwards compatible as possible. The things being added on, not only have never been done before, but are actually much bigger and more complex than the thing onto which they are being added. It would have taken 20 Satoshis to come up with Masternodes. Which is why Bitcoin doesn't have this.

Scope and Magnitude. DASH is fucking huge. You can't just throw these things out there like BitClones do. It's not that simple.

Speaking of... MNs are going to experience a huge increase in resource demand. This 50/50 split ain't going to be worth it come Evolution, unless DASH is worth at least as much ad Bitcoin is right now. And we know that's not going to happen, too many stupid people who have no idea what the problems are, much less that DASH has the solutions. It's only by vendor adoption that DASH will gain market share. You've got the feature set. Stop being hostile to vendors! It's your only hope! It's the road no other crypto can travel. It's the road DASH was made to travel. Why continue to shovel shit down it?

I'm still convinced that the new metrics that exist in the network could be used to dispose of mining. Remember, back to ye olde CPU mining of BTC? The word on the street was that the price was dictated by demand. Truly detached, fee economy and value structure. Then the story changed, the price is dictated by how much it costs to pump electrons into your ASIC... DASH could take crypto back to it's roots.

It's entirely possible to make a peer to peer version of IX. If that makes it to market first, the "performance" of using MNs to be a few seconds faster will be precisely dick. You'll have thrown away your own advantage by failing to capitalize. Being a bunch of socialists, nobody seems to realize that this matters.
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Just call it what it is: "Transaction Lock". No need to have cheesy marketing buzzwords for every feature. For the uninitiated, add a little help balloon pop-up or link next to it that explains briefly what it does.