Hello guys,
I am Adrian Kreter from Instacoins.
I will post the project here once completed. Before that I have a few technical questions regarding InstantSend.
I am refering to this guide: https dashpay.atlassian .net/wiki/display/DOC/InstantSend+Integration
(I am splitting the link because I might not be allowed to post links).
Essentially we will have a really really big of incomming and outgoing transactions.
InstantSend seemed to be perfect, but a few things are clear to me.
1) The recieve example uses ZMQ to "identify" a new transaction and RPC to confirm the transaction went through.
The RPC example calls:
./dash-cli importaddress yVAoPqfD9M9JCvQqBDRuysTX2PbeBDY2zr
then they call all activity of this importaddress since a certain block.
It gives back both the pending instantSend and normal transactions that are unconfirmed.
a) If it essentially crawls a block why does it give back pending transactions?
b) Will this work always for all InstantSend and normal transactions in all cases?
c) Will it also return all approved transaction from this importaddress?
2) Can the same be achived with a local library? I found bitcore. Which might be able to do that.
Is there a C++ Version?
3) For instantSend sending I found https github .com/snogcel/instantsend-broadcast
Again it works with the bitcore JS version. C++ available to achive the same? Otherwise we could also work with the Node.js version but C++ would be prefered.
Looking forward to work with Dash.
Kind Regards
Adrian Kreter
I am Adrian Kreter from Instacoins.
I will post the project here once completed. Before that I have a few technical questions regarding InstantSend.
I am refering to this guide: https dashpay.atlassian .net/wiki/display/DOC/InstantSend+Integration
(I am splitting the link because I might not be allowed to post links).
Essentially we will have a really really big of incomming and outgoing transactions.
InstantSend seemed to be perfect, but a few things are clear to me.
1) The recieve example uses ZMQ to "identify" a new transaction and RPC to confirm the transaction went through.
The RPC example calls:
./dash-cli importaddress yVAoPqfD9M9JCvQqBDRuysTX2PbeBDY2zr
then they call all activity of this importaddress since a certain block.
It gives back both the pending instantSend and normal transactions that are unconfirmed.
a) If it essentially crawls a block why does it give back pending transactions?
b) Will this work always for all InstantSend and normal transactions in all cases?
c) Will it also return all approved transaction from this importaddress?
2) Can the same be achived with a local library? I found bitcore. Which might be able to do that.
Is there a C++ Version?
3) For instantSend sending I found https github .com/snogcel/instantsend-broadcast
Again it works with the bitcore JS version. C++ available to achive the same? Otherwise we could also work with the Node.js version but C++ would be prefered.
Looking forward to work with Dash.
Kind Regards
Adrian Kreter