In-wallet PrivateSend help


Well-known member
As discussed here some help for PrivateSend needs to be included into the wallet.

I've implemented a first version, however PrivateSend is a complex technology, and the place to display documentation within a wallet is limited. The documentation can be opened via the new "Info" button. Not sure if this is the best solution, but it's certainly the place where the user needs the information.

Here's a first draft. If you know how to phrase this better/correcter/shorter suggestions are highly appreciated:
I guess mixing process description is taken from the whitepaper which is outdated unfortunately
Would slightly fixed and shortened version of wiki fit?
PrivateSend uses the fact that a transaction can be formed by multiple parties and made out to multiple parties to merge funds together in a way where they can’t be uncoupled thereafter. Given that all PrivateSend transactions are setup for users to pay themselves, the system is highly secure against theft and users coins always remain safe. Currently to mix using PrivateSend requires at least 3 participants.

To improve the privacy of the system as a whole we propose using common denominations of 0.1DASH, 1DASH, 10DASH AND 100DASH. In each mixing session, all users should submit the same denominations as inputs and outputs.

PrivateSend is limited to 1000 DASH per user per session and requires multiple sessions to thoroughly anonymize significant amounts of money. At set intervals, a user’s client will request to join with other clients via a Masternode. Upon entry into the Masternode, a queue object is propagated throughout the network detailing the denominations the user is looking to anonymize, but no information that can be used to identify the user. Each PrivateSend session can be thought of as an independent event increasing the anonymity of user’s funds. To increase the quality of anonymity provided, a chaining approach is employed, which funds are sent through PrivateSend utilizes multiple Masternodes, one after another.

For more info see

@tungfa take a note on bold parts, pls, probably worth fixing in wiki
I guess mixing process description is taken from the whitepaper which is outdated unfortunately
Would slightly fixed and shortened version of wiki fit?

@tungfa take a note on bold parts, pls, probably worth fixing in wiki

i messaged crowning already to send me the text he used
i am thinking to have david edit this for the wallet + use that (maybe extended) then on the Wiki as a 'how to ...'

in the end we really need proper guides for the wiki
- how to mix
- what is button x,y,z ....
- what happens when ...
hard to do as most of us do not even 100% understand it ;)
Next draft for feedback, together with a little hack to make the message-box wider (and thus reduce its height):

Yep, that link at the end is clickable.
Two suggestions.
  1. Start with the problem PrivateSend solves:
    PrivateSend removes past history of your Dash rendering it fungible and anonymous. This is accomplished through a decentralized process of passing your Dash through the Masternode network (two or more nodes, one after the other -- user configurable) where each randomly mixes (shuffles) your coins with other coins. Now cleansed of context, your portion of Dash is then securely returned back to you. Each hop takes roughly 2.5 minutes to complete as they are passed to the next random node in accordance with transaction block scheduling.

    If you don't like all that text, just kicking it off with the first sentence would go a long way towards opening the description properly.

    Hmm. I may take a stab at rewriting that wiki description as well. There is way too much cruft. Comments about DarkSend and whatnot should be footnotes. Don't over complicate things, folks! :)

  2. How long it takes. Maybe put that in the interface instead of in the notes? Or in addition to the notes? I.e., If 2 rounds are selected, say "2 rounds. The estimate is at least 5 minutes to process. One block 2.5 minutes per node-- minimum." or some such. Maybe make it a tool-tip style expansion?
Two suggestions.
  1. Start with the problem PrivateSend solves:
    PrivateSend removes past history of your Dash rendering it fungible and anonymous. This is accomplished through a decentralized process of passing your Dash through the Masternode network (two or more nodes, one after the other -- user configurable) where each randomly mixes (shuffles) your coins with other coins. Now cleansed of context, your portion of Dash is then securely returned back to you. Each hop takes roughly 2.5 minutes to complete as they are passed to the next random node in accordance with transaction block scheduling.

    If you don't like all that text, just kicking it off with the first sentence would go a long way towards opening the description properly.

    Hmm. I may take a stab at rewriting that wiki description as well. There is way too much cruft. Comments about DarkSend and whatnot should be footnotes. Don't over complicate things, folks! :)

  2. How long it takes. Maybe put that in the interface instead of in the notes? Or in addition to the notes? I.e., If 2 rounds are selected, say "2 rounds. The estimate is at least 5 minutes to process. One block 2.5 minutes per node-- minimum." or some such. Maybe make it a tool-tip style expansion?
"hops" / "passing to the next masternode" / "time for each round" are 1. outdated 2. inaccurate :)
How long it takes depends on how many users are willing to mix same denominations and some luck.
"hops" / "passing to the next masternode" / "time for each round" are 1. outdated 2. inaccurate :)
How long it takes depends on how many users are willing to mix same denominations and some luck.

Good. Fix my text. I think the suggestions are still valid and could help reduce the density of the text and increase understanding through a better narrative flow.
I think a new form of DASH help notes would be great ,,,, if you download a new miner or anything els for that matter most often included in the download is a read me txt file that contains all details and operating instruction's this has never existed with DASH