The value of a trade-able asset is highly dependent on its liquidity. If you take two identical assets with similar inherit values and one is far more liquid the perceived value of the liquid asset will be much higher.
In addition, the adopt-ability of it will be much higher. Let's pretend you are Amazon and you want to use Dash. Dash has a typical volume of around $200,000 USD per day. The volume of the dash exchange could not even support them accepting it as a retailer.
Now, let's pretend you want to offer a service to help merchants accept dash that auto-converts dash to fiat. Your ability to convert dash to fiat and to do it within an acceptable loss (after all, trading even $5000 might change the market with such a shallow market) directly depends on the volume. And, since this type of service cannot exist very easily given dash volume there will be little merchant adoption.
Question:. There are other bullshit, non-innovative currencies that have similar or higher volumes than Dash. Increasing liquidity / volume is paramount to the success and adoption of Dash. Why is Dash so low given its innovation and length on market?
Case in point, as of right now of the top 10 coins Dash currently has #9 in volume.
In addition, the adopt-ability of it will be much higher. Let's pretend you are Amazon and you want to use Dash. Dash has a typical volume of around $200,000 USD per day. The volume of the dash exchange could not even support them accepting it as a retailer.
Now, let's pretend you want to offer a service to help merchants accept dash that auto-converts dash to fiat. Your ability to convert dash to fiat and to do it within an acceptable loss (after all, trading even $5000 might change the market with such a shallow market) directly depends on the volume. And, since this type of service cannot exist very easily given dash volume there will be little merchant adoption.
Question:. There are other bullshit, non-innovative currencies that have similar or higher volumes than Dash. Increasing liquidity / volume is paramount to the success and adoption of Dash. Why is Dash so low given its innovation and length on market?
Case in point, as of right now of the top 10 coins Dash currently has #9 in volume.