Import paper wallet ERROR


I tried to import privkey that I generated in DashCore using "dumpprivkey" to Android Dash wallet.
I noticed that all the privkeys begin with X... on the beginning of the privkey.
Importing that privkey ended with an errormessage.

Then I tried some privkeys generated on and they were imported without any problem.
I noticed that all the privkeys generated on the website begin with 7... on the beginning of the privkey.

Are the private keys generated in DashCore different? Is that the reason that they can not be imported to the Android Dash Wallet?
Dash Core privkey:
(not able to import to Android Dash Wallet)

website privkey:
The problem is probably not different source of the privkey,
however it is strange that the privkeys beginnings are different.

The problem is probably in the QR code format.


  • QRcode_generator.png
    561 bytes · Views: 275
  • website.png
    81.4 KB · Views: 248
The problem could be partly solved if it were possible in the Android Dash Wallet to add the privkey manually without scanning the QR code.
Hi there. My understanding is there are five distinct formats for privkeys:
  1. Private Key WIF (51 characters base58, starts with a '7')
  2. Private Key WIF Compressed (52 characters base58, starts with a 'X')
  3. Private Key Hexadecimal Format (64 characters [0-9A-F])
  4. Private Key Base64 (44 characters)
  5. Private Key BIP38 encrypted (58 characters base58, starts with '6P)'
You can convert between these formats using the Wallet Details function in the paper wallet tool. Simply paste the privkey in any format in the field at the top, and all possible details and QR codes will appear below. The Android wallet seems to be able to sweep both formats (1) and (2) directly.
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Compressed and uncompressed private keys do not point to the same coins. They will have different public keys and different addresses.

I was working on sweeping private keys starting with X this week and had no issues. And I created a QR code with the X address above and there was no error message.

It is possible this was a result of an electrum server error in June that coincidentally appeared that X addresses failed while 7 addresses were successful.