Imitation is the best form of flattery.

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tungfa keeps saying he is laughing. I don't get it. That's what I was referring to.
tungfa is laughing because this reminds him of when he was in kindergarten, a classmate tried to imitate him by wearing the same hair style, clothes, shoes, and even tried to steal his lunch because he wanted to be just like tungfa. Get it?
it's pretty simple to me; the coin with the biggest dev-team and community is able to move faster than other teams or lone wolfs.
tungfa keeps saying he is laughing. I don't get it. That's what I was referring to.

He is referring to Spreadcoin's supporters acting like SPR is an original idea, or at least has one, and that DRK will be "imitating" SPR in some form or another, and actively engaging in pre-trolling other's forums looking for an argument.

Pretty sure its that, or code dev nitrous oxide flatulence Mr.Spread spread around here, pun intended.
We have no problem you guys being here, but be civil and quit this FUD bullshit.

IF... and this is a double capital "if" ...SPR actually does improve on DRK's code, in true spirit of open-source Evan may or may not adopt it. Coming here implying DRK will "soon imitate" SPR is absolutely provocative, ludicrous, and quite laughable.

It is aaaaaallllmmoooooost like your saying SPR did not clone DRK and took it from there.

He is referring to Spreadcoin's supporters acting like SPR is an original idea, or at least has one, and that DRK will be "imitating" SPR in some form or another, and actively engaging in pre-trolling other's forums looking for an argument.

Pretty sure its that, or code dev nitrous oxide flatulence Mr.Spread spread around here, pun intended.
We have no problem you guys being here, but be civil and quit this FUD bullshit.

IF... and this is a double capital "if" ...SPR actually does improve on DRK's code, in true spirit of open-source Evan may or may not adopt it. Coming here implying DRK will "soon imitate" SPR is absolutely provocative, ludicrous, and quite laughable.

It is aaaaaallllmmoooooost like your saying SPR did not clone DRK and took it from there.

Hey man. "Mr.Spread did not copy darkcoin masternodes. He actually reinvented them from sctatch".
Hey man. "Mr.Spread did not copy darkcoin masternodes. He actually reinvented them from sctatch".

jpr, please tell me you're being ironic? Hard to tell without a facial expression...
Thats would be like saying you re-invent water because you figured out how to evaporate it and make it condensate...

jpr, please tell me you're being ironic? Hard to tell without a facial expression...
Thats would be like saying you re-invent water because you figured out how to evaporate it and make it condensate...

He's joking... LOL....
I'm sure he quoted someone. :)
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jpr, please tell me you're being ironic? Hard to tell without a facial expression...
Thats would be like saying you re-invent water because you figured out how to evaporate it and make it condensate...

I was quoting something MyFarm said on this forum but I cannot find that post anymore.
I am very happy you guys joined the party and we all can laugh together
I am very happy you guys joined the party and we all can laugh together
jpr said:
Hey man. "Mr.Spread did not copy darkcoin masternodes. He actually reinvented them from sctatch".

jpr, please tell me you're being ironic? Hard to tell without a facial expression...
Thats would be like saying you re-invent water because you figured out how to evaporate it and make it condensate...

I was quoting something MyFarm said on this forum but I cannot find that post anymore.

I think you may be referring to this:

myfarm said:
I was led to believe that the Spreadcoin masternodes would be based upon Darkcoin masternodes. Looks like he rewrote it from scratch though. Sorry for the misinformation.

I said that because of this:

Mr. Spread said:
Is SpreadCoin implementation based on DarkCoin?
No, this is original implementation.

How is it different from DarkCoin?
In SpreadCoin there are no centralized reference nodes to decide which masternodes should receive payments, it is decided by the network in decentralized maner. In DarkCoin the messages which select masternodes are separate from the blockchain and are distributed independently. This way it is possible that nodes will have different opinion on what masternode should receive next payment. In SpreadCoin all votes for masternodes will be stored in blocks and the payee will be uniquely determined from the previous blocks. Just like you can check that any transaction included in the block is correct by comparing its inputs with outputs in previous blocks you will be able to check that masternode payment is correct by checking previous blocks. Why bitcoin is so reliable? Because all nodes have exactly the same rules how to determine which blockchains are correct and which one is better (required more work) than others, these rules are only depended on blocks themselves, not on the order in which they were received them nor on any other messages which you may or may not receive in time. The network can be unstable in the case of some major event which will break connectivity between nodes but once connectivity between nodes is reestablished all nodes will stick to the same blockchain. The same will apply to SpreadCoin.
ok great information !

Is it ?

let me think about this for a sec ....
you know what ...
i keep on laughing .... at YOU
And always
keep it coming , we are right here for you !
still laughing ...... :grin:
Ah. Yes, I agree that Spreadcoin's masternodes and IX are absolutely based upon Darkcoin. I thought the masternodes were going to use Darkcoin code and was surprised to see Mr. Spread rewrote it from scratch.

I didn't take what Mr. Spread said here to be an accusation of Darkcoin using his ideas. I think it's just two great programmers coming to the realization around the same time that this general type of implementation is the best one. More of a, "Yep, I agree! That's what I did too!"
Strange , you guys hear that too ?!
there are still these voices out there talking about something which does not belong here !

I heard these strange voices are "allowed" down in the basement (altcoin section) but they seem to be wondering off pretty far by now !!

hush hush ... off you go ....>>
closing this thread as not constructive.

spreadcoin is in one line with coins like hirocoin or cloakcoin. all it has is a anonymous (but skilled) dev. no innovation yet except from making things proposed by darkcoin in a different way. everything else is just soon(tm) and yet to be proved.

no reason to get emotional on this topic. and yes, the spreadcoin guys in this thread are more constructive than the darkcoiners. so guys, what's wrong with you? reacting so emotional means you think spreadcoin is a serious threat.

will unlock this thread in 6 months and we can continue evaluating new interesting coins. ;-)
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