If my wife turns up...

Its ok. She's browsing through the sexy darkcoin gif section and thinks we're a bunch of misogynistic peverts.
Nothing! I thought about buying into DRK but I decided against it. I just hang around for the intellectual conversations.

Wrong answer if she should read this. She'll never believe this.

The right answer would be: "about 100 bucks, and as soon as they're worth $1000 I'll buy my Missus those beautiful earnings!".
Wrong answer if she should read this. She'll never believe this.

The right answer would be: "about 100 bucks, and as soon as they're worth $1000 I'll buy my Missus those beautiful earnings!".

LOL. You're a genius. Why don't I think like that? :D

The fact is that Woodenbush (lolz) is my business partner, straight down the middle. She's really getting into crypto.
my son is asking:
"daddy are we going on holidays soon "
"sorry son, we gotta wait until DRK is rising and then i take you to the moon ...>>"
What is this mining you speak of?

This is what the computer you needed for your work (which coincidentally has a high-end graphics-card ("it was included, honey. I didn't even know that!")) is doing in the background at no cost.
The worst thing about the fact that my wife (woodenbush) has hunted me down is the fact that she now realises what an utterly boring geek that I am :grin:
The worst thing about the fact that my wife (woodenbush) has hunted me down is the fact that she now realises what an utterly boring geek that I am :grin:

Buy here some beautiful golden earrings and she won't care:
The only thing saving me from a good natured ticking off right now is the fact we are in different countries :)