Going on a week soon… I hope things work out for you pbleak - As things stand this was the last update from mintpals new owners ''moolah'':
- 8 000 missing accounts out of supposedly 70 000 total accounts. (The 8000 accounts that had coins in them?)
-No funds are at risk, and we are actively looking in to why this has happened (if the accounts are missing and they are looking into it, how do they know no funds are missing?)
-We are going back and cloning the missing accounts back over. There is no pattern relating to these accounts, which is extremely odd. (I'm not sure how you clone something that is missing but I assume from the original backups, does this mean it will take them another week to go through their whole mitigation process again? If they do the same thing why will these missing accounts suddenly reappear?…on moolah twitter they announced today:We have now located the problem with the missing accounts which took many hours in the end and are resolving. - So did they also locate the accounts or just the problem… (They had already ''located'' the problem and were already supposed to be resolving it)
-The current theme is not the greatest, but it works. We will be replacing it with an enhanced frontend once all core issues are dealt with (however they also tweeted on moolah twitter account:We're hiring a UI designer. Interested? Email
[email protected] with a portfolio. - Did they not announce they would focus on core issues first?)
-6 hours ago they announced:At the very least, you will be able to withdraw funds today - even if we have to keep the platform down. - however, yesterday they stated :If you need to make an urgent withdrawal while the site is still down, please email
[email protected] with as much information as possible relating to the withdrawal. You will need to email from the address associated with your account. - (As far as I know no one who has sent their information to them has been restituted as of today) I would like to add how are they planning on allowing withdrawals from missing accounts?
- On twitter, Tequilavera Tan asked 3 hours ago: How can I withdraw my funds?
- 1 hour ago, moolah does not answer Tequilavera, but answers to the remark ''this smells too much like Mt. Gox'': We're taking our time to ensure a secure platform. We're not going to rush.
Ok so let me get this straight, they are taking their time (we already know that), they have not returned funds to people who have sent them detailed information by email as they requested (how detailed was that information?) And they are not going to rush to allow people to withdraw their funds(what does that mean, in a restaurant if someone messes up an order they usually put a rush on the replacement order…) I would also like to add that they announce that they will not charge fees until december (so all of a sudden, they have bought a company and are not concerned about how much money or how profitable the company will be in the last quarter). I didn't go through all the tweets because it would take a while but it seems obvious that although we can hope things turn out for the best, there is a definite possibility that this could degenerate both for customers and Moolah. Maybe the local authorities should be contacted (possibly anonymously) to put pressure on them just in case they are trying to pull a long con or scam (to make sure funds are recovered swiftly and are harder to hide, like when the police found most of Mt. Gox's missing bitcoins) and if they are back up soon at the very least we should reconsider which main exchange we recommend for trading DRK, after all this is no longer Mintpal and is now Moolah. And Moolah is ****, at least judging from past and present performance…. We really need an open bazaar style integration soon imo.
I don't want to seem alarmist here, but I think these people make very little sense so far. Always hoping for the best resolution….