Regarding discussions on trustless masternode shares and lowering the collateral to bring new investment money in.
Specifically about the option to lower the collateral:
Why does it have to be one specific value? Why can't we have several values?
Someone with a 250 collateral MN should be able to join the network, but someone with a 1000 collateral MN as well.
E.g. options for MNOs : 250 Dash MN, 500 Dash MN, 1000 Dash MN.
I'd also like to hear from anyone who can give a more in-depth analysis of what increasing the number of masternodes does to the network in terms of performance (block propagation, latency, IS functionality, ...). If you are knowledgeable about what effect a doubling of the number of masternodes would have, please reply to this post.
In either case, if this could be implemented, the instant rise in number of masternodes would not be as explosive as a linear change, which seems to be the main argument against it as it changes the network dynamics somewhat no doubt. With the MN Variable Collateral Requirement you get very little of the downside, but all of the upside imo.
Aside from the complexity to implement this, do you think that would be a good solution to the problem?
Specifically about the option to lower the collateral:
Why does it have to be one specific value? Why can't we have several values?
Someone with a 250 collateral MN should be able to join the network, but someone with a 1000 collateral MN as well.
- You don't dilute the profit margin in a linear manner as is the case with a change to a new single lower collateral requirement.
- You don't artificially inflate the number of nodes and you lower the entry barrier.
E.g. options for MNOs : 250 Dash MN, 500 Dash MN, 1000 Dash MN.
I'd also like to hear from anyone who can give a more in-depth analysis of what increasing the number of masternodes does to the network in terms of performance (block propagation, latency, IS functionality, ...). If you are knowledgeable about what effect a doubling of the number of masternodes would have, please reply to this post.
In either case, if this could be implemented, the instant rise in number of masternodes would not be as explosive as a linear change, which seems to be the main argument against it as it changes the network dynamics somewhat no doubt. With the MN Variable Collateral Requirement you get very little of the downside, but all of the upside imo.
Aside from the complexity to implement this, do you think that would be a good solution to the problem?