I7-4770k Temps


New member
I mine DRK all the time with my GPUs and figured I'd throw my CPU at it as well, but it gives me some crazy temps. It stays 60-70 under normal load, but when mining it heads right up to 95-100 which seems a bit high. This is with a Zalman CNPS9500AT cooler.

Just wondering if anyone else has experience with this CPU and if you could share what your mining temps look like? Thanks in advance!
Your temps are gonna fry the cpu!, on my 4820k I get almost the same hashing speed on 4 threads (100k each) as I do on 8 (65k at best), satuation and bottlenecks occur, have you tried reducing the number of the cores, you will notice a dramatic reduction in temps.
Also have you got a mobo utility that clocks and monitors the board at different levels? I undervoltage the core voltage to .79 volts (lowest is .72 but notice performance loss at that level). Overclocking gives me 4.4 gigahertz(from 3.7) and over 500k hash in speed but its not worth the high temps and core voltage of 1.4 volts !
And btw check your cpu cooler, it doesnt sound like its removing the heat properly, if its a liquid one, the head pump might be on its way out.
Also if your GPU's are in the same case and its unopened the cpu cooler will be blowing hot air from inside onto the heatsink so it wont cool it properly. if you used a liquid cooler it would cool at room temp because it sucks in from outside the case to the radiator(then to the CPU)
Is CPU mining even still really viable with this coin? I mean without owning a botnet? I have about 25 MH/s in GPU's... but I figure not bothering to risk my CPU's on it...
Short answer is no unless you have no alternative I guess. be lucky to hit 1/3 of a gpu speed with all the cpu turned over. I abandoned it because couldnt risk taking out main cpu. At current diff its probably like .25 drk per day in total from 8 threads at 4 gig anyway. I tried it on some old dual cores that had 1 gpu in each and the slight cpu gains(25k per core) were offset by slightly larger loses on the average hash rate from the gpu.
Isn't any semiconductor good for only so many switches before the junction becomes too contaminated or the insulation breaks down, its performance will degrade over time so the lifespan (especially with the added heat) will be hastened.
Is CPU mining even still really viable with this coin? I mean without owning a botnet? I have about 25 MH/s in GPU's... but I figure not bothering to risk my CPU's on it...
Nice hashes, how many GPU's, and what kinds do you have? I've seen some guys in my pool that will head towards 1000 MH/s!! I'm not seeing unless you have a warehouse full how that can be pulled off.
1000 MH's is crazy.

8 - 280xs - mostly at 2.1
4 - 290xs - anywhere from 2.4 - 2.8

I'm still tweaking the settings though.
Thanks for the answers. I never left it mining at those silly high temps because obviously I didn't want to kill my CPU. I did try the 4 thread suggestion and this gives me max temps of ~86 which is lower but still pretty high. I'll try re-seating my cooler this weekend and see if that helps. It's just an air cooler but I still feel these temps are way too high, maybe I just screwed up the thermal paste the first time.

Is it worth it? Not if I left it on just for CPU mining but computer runs 24/7 anyway so if temps are cool enough why not.
Are you sure you haven't got the cpu overclocked with some sort of auto tune program, run it at stock settings or less as a small increase in frequency can make the temps go right up, check the bios settings.
Stock speeds, but some good news re-seating the cooler gives me lower temps (~80c with 4 threads enabled). Seems I messed up the paste the first time. ~80c isn't GREAT but I'm pretty sure it's well within limits.
No I only leave 4 cores going. With 7 or 8 I do get a performance increase but 8 hurts the GPU miner peformance and 7 isn't enough better than 4 to warrant the +10~15C it generates.