I want to produce “Dash vs Bitcoin” video, need a help with script


Well-known member
Hi, I want to produce “Dash vs Bitcoin” short funny video (not agressive!), need a help with script!
I don’t think that confrontation with Bitcoin community is a good way for Dash. But it doesn’t mean that we should keep silent about Dash benefits!
Also a lot of MNs have voted recently for such a video…

So I want to manage production of a funny, a bit like “PC vc Mac”-style video… But my poor English don’t allow me to make it bright, laconic and funny/positive. Please - let’s brainstorming a little bit - let’s do it together.

My initial idea is something like this:

2 friends (actors) are meeting...

D: Hey! What are you doing?

B (staring into his smartphone): I am trying to send you that money with Bitcoins - waiting for a confirmation... almost one hour already… The network is still busy - It is real pain in the butt...

D: So why don’t you send it to me with Dash?…

B: What is Dash?

close-up D: Dash is an alternative, Digital Cash. It works similar to Bitcoin, but it is instant and private.

close-up B: And how long does it take to confirm Dash transaction?

close-up D: Approximately 5 seconds… Look, (pulls out his smartphone, showing it to B, presses 4 times - Pause for 3 seconds) That's it - 100% confirmed! Also, with Dash you can protect your privacy - so nobody could track your funds…

B: But… if this Dash is so good - why nobody knows about it?

D: Well… Dash project is only 2 years old, but it is rapidly developing now - so it is getting more popular…

B: How can I learn more about this Dash?

close-up D: Just visit the site www.dash.org - As soon as you install Dash wallet - we will be able to send funds to each other instantly and almost for free!

close-up B: Great, let’s do it!


Sorry for my poor English - let's fix it.
Please criticize it and offer your brilliant ideas! :)
Lets add some humor and and creativity!
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Hummmm, interesting, I can see this as a series of videos... where you have two friends or people who are dealing with one issue at a time:

Ease of use (once Evo comes out)
Ratings / do I want to deal with this person?
Great idea, but need funding...

But OK, I'll try the first one, send it by my husband :p

First question I have is maybe they should be in a situation, like eating out "oh can I pay you back with Bitcoin?" etc... Or a different situation? I'll think of some and see if you like them :)
I've been enjoying a nice long morning here at my desk, but I'm about to have to start running around, just so you know, I have no internet access, like a phone, so if you don't hear from me, it's because of this :)
I lightened the mood a bit and integrated some backstory to make the characters "relatable", I guess. Further improvements welcome of course.

D: Hey! What's up? Still trying to score with Jenny from last night? Told ya I'd get her number!

B (staring on his smartphone): No, I'm in my wallet, trying to send you the 10 bucks I owe you from our bet - still no confirmations and it's been an hour! - It is real pain in the butt...

D: Didn't I tell you to pay me in Dash instead of Bitcoin?

B: Oh yeah, Dash! You installed me the app. Sorry, I forgot, why would I wanna use that again instead?

close-up D: Because it's instant and private, basically Digital Cash, that's what it stands for.

close-up B: And how long does it take to confirm a Dash transaction?

close-up D: Approximately 5 seconds… Look, (pulls out his smartphone, showing it to B, presses 4 times - Pause for 3 seconds) That's it - Just sent you 5 bucks in Dash and it's 100% confirmed! Also, with Dash you can protect your privacy - so nobody can track your funds!

B: Sounds all fine and dandy but why have I never heard about it before?

D: Because it basically just hatched from the egg. Started 2014 and its rapidly growing with dozens of amazing features!

B: Alright just tell me the website, gotta read up on that!

close-up D: Just visit www.dash.org - As soon as you install Dash wallet - we will be able to send funds to each other instantly and almost for free! (starts walking away, raising his finger, with his back to the camera) And don't forget, now you owe me 15 bucks!

(B with defeated grin on his face, camera goes out of focus, freeze frame, DASH logo with website fades in, cue narrator "DASH Private Instant Secure, visit www.Dash.org", music etc.)
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close-up D: Approximately 5 seconds… Look, (pulls out his smartphone, showing it to B, presses 4 times - Pause for 3 seconds) That's it - Just sent you 5 bucks in Dash and it's 100% confirmed! )

Not to be too picky, but how did D send funds to B when B doesn't have an address yet because he hasn't read up on that?
Not to be too picky, but how did D send funds to B when B doesn't have an address yet because he hasn't read up on that?

I noticed that after the fact. The line:

B: Oh yeah, Dash! You mentioned that. Sorry, I forgot, why would I wanna use that again instead?

should be changed to

B: Oh yeah, Dash! You installed me the app. Sorry, I forgot, why would I wanna use that again instead?

resolving the logical error.

This could've ended up on moviemistakes.com. Phew.
Scene: D and B are in a bar.

D: Hey! What's up? Still trying to score with Jenny from last night? Told ya I'd get her number!

B (staring on his smartphone): No, I'm in my wallet, trying to send you the 10 bucks I owe you from our bet - still no confirmations and it's been an hour! - It is real pain in the butt...

D: Didn't I tell you to pay me in Dash instead of Bitcoin?

B: Oh yeah, Dash! You mentioned that. Sorry, I forgot, why would I wanna use that again?

close-up D: Because it's instant and private, basically Digital Cash, that's what it stands for.

close-up B: And how long does it take to confirm a Dash transaction?
D: Just watch this. (Looks at bartender) Hey S, can I get another beer?
S: That'll be .82 DASH
D: (close-up) Approximately 5 seconds… Look, (pulls out his smartphone, showing it to B, presses 4 times - Pause for 3 seconds) Got it S?
S: (Looks at cell phone) Yeah, confirmed. (Brings a beer over to D:)

D: Also, with Dash you can protect your privacy - nobody can track your funds!

B: Sounds all fine and dandy but why have I never heard about it before?

D: Because it basically just hatched from the egg. Started 2014 and its rapidly growing with dozens of amazing features!

B: Alright just tell me the website, gotta read up on that!

close-up D: Just visit dash.org - As soon as you install Dash wallet - we will be able to send funds to each other instantly and almost for free! (starts walking away, raising his finger, with his back to the camera) And don't forget, you still owe me 10 bucks!

(B with defeated grin on his face, camera goes out of focus, freeze frame, DASH logo with website fades in, cue narrator "DASH Private Instant Secure, visit Dash.org", music etc.)
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Thanks for all ideas!!!

Well... we limited in budget and can't film Hollywood-Class video in bar and so on - but I am going to take maximum effect with the most easy (and inexpensive) video.
I see an exercise in cuteness coming :smile:

However, we have beaten that Dash vs. Bitcoin horse already. Three videos immediately come to mind:
-- Dash: The best alternative to Bitcoin (your own I think);
-- DASH is better money than Bitcoin;
-- Dash: 1 Min Darkcoin vs Bitcoin by Evan.

Someone in the community already correctly pointed out: "The idea to compare Dash to something else to show it's value is flawed. A better idea would be to create a video showing how Dash can be used in real situations - in point of sale (InstantX), low cost products like gum balls (low fees), privacy (DarkSend), and a mobile wallet purchase (now with InstantX)."

Perhaps even better - EMOTIONS. Where are the emotions? Emotions sell to primordial brain, the one that makes decision...

Dash vs. Bitcoin approach raises a question: who is our audience?

-- Our community? We are here because we think DASH is (far) superior to BTC and we might all go gaga over a video telling us what we already know. Preaching to the choir is not the most appealing way of doing it and the efforts will have been misplaced;
-- BTC community? "Here they are again, those Dash bozos," they might react, especially if the video is "(not aggressive!)" -- so shall we kill them with kindness. The BTC bozos? If we go DASH vs. BTC route the only message is BTC sucks. I would not recommend it anyway because of the above quote.

But if someone who does NOT KNOW what Dash is and is, at best, only vaguely familiar with BTC watches the proposed video, what she would deduct from it? What would induce her to take a closer look at Dash? Not much, I am afraid.

Privately I already offered you for us to cooperate. We're both now paid by the community to further and improve the promotional efforts. So, kindly allow me to reiterate the invitation here. Let us work together. Dash World: Evolution in Marketing is prepping a World Premiere of MN as an Investment in Manila as our 1st month focus and it would be great to join forces and do something that fits the overall message.
Hey, GreyGhost !

I see your point. We will try to cooperate with you - hope we could help each other to get a kind of synergy and so on...
But it general, our 2 campaigns have 2 different approaches (and it is great! - it means that we can cover wider range of possibilities!):

1. You are making a professional marketing campaign, create a custom task, custom requirements and as results, hire professional producer and as a result - get customized great promos for Dash («customized task» as usual is complex, professional and so - expensive).
2. I am creating promos «as a hobby» - I have driven mainly not by specific requirements, but mainly by existing possibilities. I am looking for most suitable inexpensive templates, combining them, trying to get not perfect, but still useful for Dash result in most inexpensive way… as result I get not perfect, amateur, but quick and inexpensive result that is also good enough.

Let’s look at it with simple example - Dash needs a presentation, our 2 different approaches are:
1. You will create strategy, requirements, hire professional artist, several editions, spend several weeks - and get perfect presentation for let say 100-200 USD. OK, Great!
2. I will try to find some inexpensive existing template, adjust it myself, spend several days - and get amateur presentation for let say 10-20 USD. OK, also great!

Regarding this video…
1. If we are doing this in professional «serious way» - with complex script in bar and so on - it will take several month and several thousands USD - no sense for us IMO.
2. If I am creating it in «amateur way» - I found 2 guys who is ready to do what I imagine - not perfect, not much options, but inexpensive - it will take several weeks and several hundreds of USD - it makes sense for us IMO.

(As usual customers want to get professional result (1) but with timeframe and price of amateur production (2) - but it doesn’t work.)

So what about audience of this video - I think there are already (and growing) big enough audience of «people who tried Bitcoin, but wasn’t inspired and stop using it», «people who have heard about Bitcoin - but also have heard there are lots of problems and complexity in using it»… So target is people who want to use something like Bitcoin, but don’t do it now because of Bitcoin’s several lags. So they are using Paypal, GooglePay, ApplePay, … and waiting for… real crypto - Dash!

Of course there are many other important audiences we have to target - that is why we need several different videos (and other promos) to target all of them. Both professional and amateurs. :wink:
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No point in discussing hypothetical. You realize I written seven (7) books, published in four (4) different languages, made numerous film and video productions on three (3) different continents and wrote several full length feature film screenplays in Hollywood. As such I offered you to write a script, for free, having all production limitations I am very well aware of in mind, and to cooperate.

Bear in mind, your "hobby" has a budget that is 1/3rd of the size of my own, with five (5) professional people already engaged, so you slightly piss me off :wink: with repetitious claims how everything good is ah so expensive and almost impossible.

Having said that, as you know I approached you even before you submitted your proposal, I am your biggest fan :smile: so good luck, indeed. I am sure you will produce more videos that will thrill all of us, even more than before. (and all of those will be "amplified" by the Dash World, of course)
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As such I offered you to write a script, for free, having all production limitations I am very well aware of in mind, and to cooperate.
Bear in mind, your "hobby" has a budget that is 1/3rd of the size of my own

GreyGhost Thanks,
No worry - The fact that I am working on this video doesn't mean that I am not going to help you with other projects (and I am not going to spend a big part of my budget for this video).

I am waiting for your script to estimate and discuss it - what and how I can participate in your initiatives!
This video (and my other initiatives those are coming) is "in addition", not "instead of " "World of Marketing".
However, we have beaten that Dash vs. Bitcoin horse already. Three videos immediately come to mind:
-- Dash: The best alternative to Bitcoin (your own I think);
-- DASH is better money than Bitcoin;
-- Dash: 1 Min Darkcoin vs Bitcoin by Evan.

Someone in the community already correctly pointed out: "The idea to compare Dash to something else to show it's value is flawed. A better idea would be to create a video showing how Dash can be used in real situations - in point of sale (InstantX), low cost products like gum balls (low fees), privacy (DarkSend), and a mobile wallet purchase (now with InstantX)."

Perhaps even better - EMOTIONS. Where are the emotions? Emotions sell to primordial brain, the one that makes decision...

Dash vs. Bitcoin approach raises a question: who is our audience?

-- Our community? We are here because we think DASH is (far) superior to BTC and we might all go gaga over a video telling us what we already know. Preaching to the choir is not the most appealing way of doing it and the efforts will have been misplaced;
-- BTC community? "Here they are again, those Dash bozos," they might react, especially if the video is "(not aggressive!)" -- so shall we kill them with kindness. The BTC bozos? If we go DASH vs. BTC route the only message is BTC sucks. I would not recommend it anyway because of the above quote.

But if someone who does NOT KNOW what Dash is and is, at best, only vaguely familiar with BTC watches the proposed video, what she would deduct from it? What would induce her to take a closer look at Dash? Not much, I am afraid.
This is spot-on, GreyGhost. Audience has to be considered first, and Bitcoin vs Dash does nothing for "normal" people, which should be our focus with Dash.

Crypto-nerds have hundreds of ways to do things. They already know how to trade for Monero, etc. and back for anonymity, or to send coins through multiple exchanges. They're also the people who get upset about "fair distribution" (because they didn't get a chance to get rich), and they will keep crying about that 'til forever. There's no point trying to convince the crypto-nerds. The point of this whole thing is to try and create a better monetary system for everyone.

Normal, non-crypto nerds don't care about that. They do care about paying 5-10% or more sending money overseas though. They care about being forced to spend their money to avoid paying banks interest on deposits (called "NIRP", coming soon to a jurisdiction near you).

A lot of "normal" people would rather make around 10% annual interest on their capital (via the masternode system) rather than only around 1-2% interest to possibly actually paying 1-2% interest (NIRP) for a savings account.

If a transaction is large enough, regular people are interested in doing that with extremely low fees. Because even say, 2% on a $10,000 transaction is a couple hundred bucks.

Some segments of society use certain types of "medicine" distributed by alternative "pharmacies", and those people would prefer their transaction history stay private. They don't give a hoot about crypto, but sell them on private transactions (of virtually any amount), and that's a benefit they're willing to at least try out.

I think we need to stop thinking like crypto-nerds and why Dash is better than other crypto, and just go straight to how Dash can help society in general (some examples I've described above). Let's start focusing on "normal" people and making things easier to use for them (UI/UX is HUGE here, and Evolution should make this task so much easier).
I think we need to stop thinking like crypto-nerds and why Dash is better than other crypto, and just go straight to how Dash can help society in general (some examples I've described above). Let's start focusing on "normal" people and making things easier to use for them (UI/UX is HUGE here, and Evolution should make this task so much easier).

Ditto every single word. (truncated for brevity :wink: I do not want to hijack Alex's thread; but he can also benefit from your insight)
Audience has to be considered first, and Bitcoin vs Dash does nothing for "normal" people, which should be our focus with Dash.

Well… we also need a Masternode's video (and GreyGhost is going to write script for it)… but it is the separate task IMO… It is for investors - we need a serious video (or maybe even better - presentation) for investors - there is no much place for humor when it comes to investments…

But I was talking here about «humor video - for everyone»… It is a different story - one more channel to attract new people. Just to have at least one in our collection for appropriate cases (DASH needs different types of videos for different situations. We can't say "this video is better than that" - they all are good for particular targeted audience and situation. This is why we need several different video - to be free to choose from)…

Masternodes - not for everyone. Even Privacy - not for everyone. But everybody would like speedy transactions!
IMO we need a kind of "virus-joke" video… Every time somebody somewhere is complaining about Bitcoin’s speed - we may post this video as a non-agressive positive joke… to get maximum repost and so on… This is my idea about this video-fun...

Of course different people have different opinions on: "what is more important", "...", "..." So let us just create all (not only the one instead of others) that we think will help Dash to grow...
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