There are two ways to learn based on errors:
1- own mistakes
2-mistakes of others.
Unfortunately we have chosen the second mode for several years.
I understand your position, and I appreciate your view of the current problem, from your perspective.
I support what you say, as sometimes, it is not necessary to achieve perfection, simply granting usefulness is more than enough.
As for the budget for programmers, engineers, and so on... if we have a working product, I guess we'll just need a smaller maintenance group, and not a huge set of programmers with nothing to code.
Regarding the issue of marketing, I consider it as something fundamental that must be treated very carefully. It is not the same to shoot 1000 bullets without aiming than one well-aimed one that hits the target.
Throwing funds away to promote minor events, I see it as absurd. I always remember everything that happened in Venezuela and that it has not been of much use seeing the popularity of Dash.
However, we all remember Matt Damon in the advertising
Take the platform forward and then you can focus a large part of the budget on showing it efficiently to the world, and you will see how it will go a long way.
Good luck,
Hello ! Just to contribute in this cool discussion, as creator (french writor) & user :
"Does dash could be a good day-by-day money ?
And first, what is a day-by-day (dBd) money ? From my point of vue, it is the futur of money : you can get some each day, you can spend some each day for all daily activities as simple as get vegetables or take the bus.
As writor of novels - anticipation & distopie - my point of vue may be singular, of course of course..
But as writor of novels I dream to live thanks to my work, and I see in cryptocurrencies a way to evolve to this dBd money : if each day one, two or three people in the world give me a few amount of crypto to read one of my texts, each day I can spend it to eat and live.
A dBd money is the opposite of a spéculative product nor a staking - "to stak" is just a new "to capitalize" : you earn because you immobilize a value.
But crypto currencies claims to circulate !
As ideas, products, créations, knowledge, ... and many other things in the world !
So if we need something, to validate into the time a spécial moment like a transaction, all we need is a cool, private, fast and easy to use dBd money to circulate into economy.
Could Dash be this dBd money ?
I think so, yes."
It's an extact of an article I wrote. I think crypto need éducation programs, promotion and IRL use to grow IRL users ..
And in this point I have a question : is it still possible to have Access Somewhere to an ancien orange testnet wallet ? To use it for an éducative experiment I think about ?
Thank you for your attention, for your créations & have a good day