How to setup dash for woocommerce


New member
Is there any ducuments or video tutorial for installing dash for woocommerce?
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Is there any ducuments or video tutorial for installing dash for woocommerce?

You can start accepting Dash by using a plugin named MyCryptoCheckout . Apart from Dash, it also allows you to accept other popular currencies. It pretty easy to use and setup.
I tried installing nmarley plugin but after i try to use composer to update the dependency i get this.

- Installing rgooding/protobuf-php (0.0.1): Cloning d688d7894d
Install of rgooding/protobuf-php failed

Failed to execute git clone --no-checkout 'https://***:***
uf-PHP.git.git' '/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/dashpayments-f
or-woocommerce-master/vendor/rgooding/protobuf-php' && cd '/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpres
buf-php' && git remote add composer 'https://***:***
.git.git' && git fetch composer && git remote set-url origin '
ding/Protobuf-PHP.git.git' && git remote set-url composer '

Cloning into '/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/dashpayments-for-
git-remote-https: /opt/bitnami/common/lib/ no version information
available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
git-remote-https: /opt/bitnami/common/lib/ no version information av
ailable (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://***:***' not fou
Does internet filters can be a problem while setting dash app up? I think it is a problem for me. I bought one internet filter and now I have big problems with the app. Has anyone face such problems?

I bought bark. It may help me.