How-to properly update Masternodes ?


Active member
My understanding, is that I must stop "dashd", replace the binary and restart "dashd".

Will it throw me out of payment queue?
Is this the recommended method ?
  1. Login to your vps and do a system update while you're there.

  2. su to the user running dashd, then cd to that user's home directory

  3. wget

  4. check the hash of the file you downloaded with those at

    sha256sum dashcore-

  5. tar zxvf dashcore-

  6. dash-cli stop

  7. mv dashcore-0.12.1/bin/dash{d,-cli} .dashcore ; ls -l .dashcore/dash{d,-cli}

  8. dash-cli --version

  9. dashd

  10. dash-cli getinfo

If all goes well, you'll be done within 5 mins and you won't lose your place in the queue.