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To summarize DeepBlue and myself both agree it's possible to setup a class room in Cucuta, educate 300,000 and give them $4 each.
He states this is not financially sustainable and a poor use of funds. What part of crypto right now is financially sustainable? Just like Tesla and tech companies Dash's 4 billion dollar valuation is based on it's future potential. Is the future is banking the unbanked, showing the network can handle volume and figuring out how to on-board non technical users?
The marketing value of this project alone will exceed $2,000,000. Nothing like this has ever been done before and it's a valuable use case for crypto. Like I said previously my youtube channel has 6.5 million views (In the last twelve months), the three videos I published about this topic already have 50,000 views. People expect the situation to get worse in Venezuela and the media coverage has been increasing. As this humanitarian crisis unfolds the crypto community has a chance to be on the front lines providing help directly to the people that need it most.
I've lived in Costa Rica and spent a lot of time in Colombia. Their economies are much more decentralized than the US with small markets, independent businesses and street vendors everywhere.
It's wrong to say the money will immediately flow out of the economy. The goal of every business it to make a profit. A street vendor sells corn. Half of that money is profit the other half goes back to the supplier to buy more corn. The street vendor needs his haircut (local barber) He needs firewood for his stove. If things go well he might need to hire someone. As the free economy develops some money will leave it some money will stay. At the moment these people are excluded from the global economy. Crytpo changes that.
-We help 300,000 people
-We gain huge attention from the media and show a very legitimate use case that crypto
-Cucuta becomes the first major city in the world with crypto mass adoption.
-We create a classroom, education tools and incentive system and show the world how to on-board non-technical users to crypto
-When an entire community understands and knows how to use crypto we can learn how the free market adopts
-It cost $2,000,000
-It will take money away from other dash proposals
-It's possible 300,000 people immediately sell their crypto for fiat and never use it again
-It could cause mass migration to the city of Cucuta.
Deepblue also said this was unsustainable which I was going to list as a con. Is the project a failure if we help 300,000 people, gain a huge amount of media attention and find out that most people immediately traded their crypto for food?
In the future Dash will face stronger competition from platforms that have no transaction fees. User adoption in emerging markets will be used as a key indicator of success. Proving it can be used by an entire community as digital cash would give Dash a huge boost.
David you got my support as long you start off small and show to us that this can actually , risking 2 million on this is not worth for us.
Here's my suggestion , pool some capital like say $10,000 or so show us on ground how things work, then you have lot more credibility than mere words.
I dont agree lot of what Deep blue said , about mass migration to cucuta because of these $4 giveaway thats just not possible.
To be clear people in venezuela have a high standard of living owing to massive subsides , they just dont have money or jobs because of all the crap thats going around.
living in Venezuela and mining crypto can make you lot more than $4 in a day , so rest assured no one will go there just to claim the free dash.