Is Monit autostart above still working with 12.1 after changing paths from .dash to .dashcore?
I was not able to tweak that to get monit to work with 12.1. After getting my masternode up and running on 12.1, I then decided I was ready to re-enable the monit monitoring. I updated the last three lines of /etc/monit/monitrc for the new .dashcore location:
check process dashd with pidfile /home/myusername/.dashcore/
start program = "/home/myusername/.dashcore/"
stop program = "/home/myusername/.dashcore/dash-cli stop"
Then, since I wasn't confident that dashman is ready to work well with 12.1, I changed to simply start dashd daemon instead of dashman. Like this:
/bin/su myusername -c '/home/myusername/.dashcore/dashd -daemon'
I then issued the command to start monitoring:
sudo monit start dashd
At which point monit immediately restarted dashd -- I presume to have the process under its control..
Very shortly after, my masternode reported down and wouldn't come back up despite some fiddling. I wish I could remember what masternode debug told me... (arggh, I know I'm not being helpful).
Taking monit out of the loop, and I'm back up with my unmonitored masternode.
I love the peace of mind of a monit'd Masternode, any ideas?
Chris Muller