How to change ONLY wallet location DASH Core?


I know about -datadir, but it writes all big data and wallet in one dir. I need to save wallet.dat to another location, so DASH Core will read wallet.dat from another location. For example maybe DASH --key-path
Thank you.
You cant set ONLY wallet.dat location, datadir sets where all data is saved.
But you can rename wallet.dat if you like, and load it with commandline option: -wallet=<file> Specify wallet file (within data directory) (default: wallet.dat).
Would be awesome, for security sake, to keep the wallet separate from the blockchain directory. Seems kind of obvious. You could have your wallet on a plugin device. If lost, it has a password and no one would really know what it is anyway. But, with the blockchain in the same directory, it is obvious what it is which immediately makes it vulnerable to brute force attack.
I tried a sym link on windows, it doesn't work because windows shortcuts have their own file extension.
I stand corrected, you can create real sym links on windows! The command is mklink on the command line, and it works! My wallet file is now off disk, password protected and in a folder that makes it look like something completely different! Cool!