How to auto-send MN rewards to one wallet?


Active member
Is there a guide for this for a VPS on Ubuntu? I'd like to keep the MN balance at 1,000...
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Yep, with the donation feature gone, you have to manually send your inputs (normally through coin control).
yeah that pitty as you expose the cold storage wallet from time to time...:sad::sad:
Yep, with the donation feature gone, you have to manually send your inputs (normally through coin control).

I guess you could write a script using listunspent, createrawtransaction and sendrawtransaction, but you would still have to start the cold wallet.
I guess you could write a script using listunspent, createrawtransaction and sendrawtransaction, but you would still have to start the cold wallet.
Can't importing the privkey for only the payment address into another wallet work ?
Is the redirecting issue resolved in some way in the last versions of DASH? Something new?

This feature would be pretty handy

Thank you,
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