The point is to be open-loop. Most of the MNOs pay no attention at all, largely because they don't know how. It's like putting crazy homeless people in charge of IBM... So, it's actually a good thing that they really don't have much impact. They rubber-stamp pretty much everything that "the team" throws out, question nothing, look into nothing, hold no one accountable. And why should they? What are the consequences of squandering tons of free money that isn't theirs?
There's no feedback loop, passive or active. The MNOs are fish out of water. They have no idea the environment they're cast into. Most are welfare fraudsters that see being an MNO as a way to exact "revenge" on capitalism. They have no concept of how to be a member of a board of directors, and their agenda is about destroying business, not helping it use DASH. It's like herding cats, who are all driving cars. When they crash, they have no idea what happened, don't realize it's their fault, and don't grasp the magnitude of the situation or learn anything from it. They just scamper away and vote to burn a giant pile of money again next month.
It's easy to frame it as if Evan and Co did this intentionally, knowing it would be easy money. But, I'm starting to think that's not the case. Sure, the MNOs choose to follow the lead of the king, but nobody makes them that way. They're just lost, follower-minded people who are in waayyy over their head. They can't govern because they're always looking to the king for what they should do. MNOs just aren't leadership material, so they don't lead. They follow. They have no idea what a good direction is, so they just go along to feel good. Ohh! Look, we dispensed another giant pile of money that isn't ours! We're, like, totally bigshots! We're doing teh stuffs! Look how swollen our heads are! We are the deciders! Beg for our pittance! Obey our ridiculous demands that defy reality! We have no clue, but we're in charge! Oh, nevermind, it's a proposal from "the team." Don't ask any questions. Don't look into it after the fact. Give the Nth degree to any critic, but pay no attention at all to what's going on... Make sure you label any outsider a troll. Echo Chamber. Confirmation Bias. WE ARE GODS!!!
Think about the movie Bruce Almighty. But replace Jim Carrey with a spoiled brat 8 year old girl, and instead of learning a lesson about humility, she just gets more bratty and entitled... It's a good thing they're not actually in charge of anything.
Whatever... I quit voting. Oh, yeah, did you know that even though this isn't a government of any country, and the MNs have none of the very privacy that they provide, the most important part of their function is not compulsory? Yeah, you don't have to vote at all. This could easily be fixed, but that wouldn't let the mess be a mess! Being a total mess for which nobody even has to show up is exactly what makes it such an easy open-ended pork machine... Adding an "abstain" vote wouldn't force a yes or no, but total failure would at least have to be an active endeavor, separating "abstain" from "null" in an active manner. they could still abstain, but would have to show up to the mess to do it.