How masternode payments might cause a bubble

@halso Interesting!
Though for self-hosting with e.g. $5 VPS it's $5x12 = $60 = ~($60/7$ = 8.6) DASH per year that new line goes a lot closer to the red line. And when $/DASH rate rises the cost for self-hosting becomes even lower i.e. the gap between hosting services and self-hosting grows. I guess that's smth MN hosting providers should keep in mind when they make decisions about their pricing in DASH. I mean the blue line is kind of static on your graph but in reality MN hosting market should work smth like that imo: if someone is willing to pay for the service - why don't someone provide him such service? But if one day clients are not that happy with the price anymore - time to make some decisions for both provider and clients. Clients could leave or MN hosting service price could go down (in DASH) i.e. ROI would jump a bit making the blue line closer to the red one and making clients happy again.
This positive feedback loop cannot go on forever. At some point, if dash has not acquired value for other reasons (such as usefulness as a currency), this loop might collapse, and the value of dash could fall steeply.

If that happens, then we will retroactively know that a bubble had formed and then burst.

To prevent this happening, dash must acquire market value primarily for reasons other than its demand for running masternodes. So long as a major factor in the increase in the value of dash is demand for setting up masternodes, a bubble will occur and it will eventually burst.

The bubble might be happening right now. We won't know until afterwards. Keep your fingers crossed.
the price was higher and lower,

I see your point, I think. i.e. maybe that bubble already burst? And hopefully none of the same ilk to follow.

In which case, let's get moving on Evolution!
Why isn't the whole of the Treasury being spent on Evolution development, and/or preparing for it's release? Even if by only building a warchest from the unused portion, though I think already getting a marketing team set up, amongst other preparations, would be a good idea.
The sooner Dash gets real products and the promised Evolution ease of use, the less risk of speculation.
If DASH doesn't actually do anything with its feature set, someone else will. That will happen faster than an MN bubble.

Agree with the first part. Not so much with the second.

But maybe the MNO bubble already happened and burst.
Growth seems more stable, now, after the (post MNO bubble?) pullback.
once the return goes sub 5%, the investment starts to look a bit "ordinary". And new demand may dry up.

Depends when you invested.
And if Dash is also going up wrt fiat/gold/bread/whatever.

I'd happily invest in an MNO right now (for return AND other interests in seeing DASH succeed) if 80K USD wasn't such a big portion of my savings.
Seriously looking into MNshares, though.