How many D3 will be sold after November batch?

I too check the difficulty everyday and was a bit dismayed when saw



but this is the max difficulty per day. There is also another chart which shows different values



And it nowhere touches 8m as hod high of day, so I'm not sure which one is accurate.

But right now I'm not too sure but I like to think worse case scenario, I have no D3's as yet. I was hoping to get lucky with the next available on bitmain but if I do get one I'm projecting @ 10m - 15m difficulty (as I said worse case senario, it could be even worse than that, but I'm preparing projecting @ those figures, and if it's less difficulty then that's a plus)

There's a guy here that bought 140 units, I think he's pretty much set, difficulty could increase to 30m and he'd still be making decent money
The one from bitinfocharts is wrong. Coinwarz has it correct. You can always check the difficulty directly on the blockchain of dash (

In december nobody known what the difficulty will be, but presumably you'll roi in a few months at max. The high increase is because the D3 is so much more powerfull than GPU and the other asics. The total hash rate of the network was equivalent to 2500 D3 at the beginning of september. The first batch is around 5000 D3 and last time I checked, there were around 4900 D3 active in dash.

The fluctuations are there because a lot of the miners work in switching pools (nicehash, zpool etc), that hunt the best rewarding coin at every moment. So a lot of power shifts between coins.