I would suggest not bringing wallet.dat to expose it on internet from cold storage.
Use only masternode.conf file which has all configuration for your nodes and empty wallet. Start it and process as above.
Once you issue the vote command all nodes which are congigurated in masternode.conf file will vote...if you want some to disable simply put # in front of each line.
Thank you. How do we know which node voted which way? How is the vote public?
Thank you. How do we know which node voted which way? How is the vote public?
dash-cli mnbudget show
dash-cli mnbudget getvotes [budget_identifier]
From a sync'd wallet, to get all the current locally-cached budgets:
To get a list of all the current network votes for a particular budget:Code:dash-cli mnbudget show
returns verified votes keyed by masternode collateral UTXO.Code:dash-cli mnbudget getvotes [budget_identifier]
If you hold multiple masternodes, you can also vote using my dashvote utility with a linux box, and empty wallet, and your masternode.conf. https://github.com/moocowmoo/dashman#vote
That's correct - only current votes are kept. For historical vote data refer to http://dashvotetracker.com/As far as I understand your quote, you do not even keep track of who voted what whithin a month.
You just keep track of the current votes.
The history (how each MN changes his voting on specific budgets whithin time) is not kept at all.
Is this what you have said?