how do you pronounce "µDash"?


Well-known member
1 Dash = 1 Dash
0.001 Dash = 1 mDash = "millidash" or "em-dash" or ??
0.000001 Dash = 1 µDash = "microdash" or "you-dash" or ??
0.00000001 Dash = 1 Duff

Millidash and microdash are one too many syllables, I think, for common usage.

0.000001 BTC is commonly referred to as a "bit". Maybe use "dit"?

I know this has been discussed before, but there doesn't appear to be a consensus on usage yet.
I don't know how to pronounce "uDASH" . But about the "bit" denominations, there's discussion before about changing to a better name. Some people will call it DASH bit. Do you have any suggestions other than "dit" ?

使用Tapatalk 發送
Just thinking about the another name of the "µDash" and I post it here for reference. I don't have any preferences

All the name start with "da"

No. Denomation Name Current Meaning
1 dace -- Name of a fish
2 dar  
3 das  
4 dan  
5 dao
6 daf
7 dal
0.000001 Dash = 1 µDash = "microdash" or "mu-dash"

Like this.....................
_________________________________________------------------->> 1,000,000 Dash = 1M = 1 Million DASH <<<<<<<< largest unit used
_________________________________________------------------->> 1,000 Dash = 1K = 1 Thousand DASH <<<<<<<< used
_________________________________________------------------->> 100 Dash = 100D = 1 HundredDASH <<<<<<<< used
_________________________________________------------------->> 1 Dash = 1D = DASH <<<<<<<< used
deci d 0.1 10^-1 ____________________________------------------->> 0.1 DASH = 1dD = deciDASH <<<<<<<< not used
centi c 0.01 10^-2___________________________------------------->> 0.01 DASH = 1cD = centiDASH <<<<<<<< not used
milli m 0.001 10^-3__________________________------------------->> 0.001 DASH = 1mD = mDASH = "milliDASH" <<<<<<<< used
micro μ 0.000001 10^-6_______________________------------------->> 0.000001 DASH = 1µD = µDash = "(µ) is pronounced, like new = (mu) or (myou)" = "microDASH" <<<<<<<< used
_________________________________________------------------->> 0.00000001 DASH = 1d = duff <<<<<<<< smallest unit used
nano n 0.000000001 10^-9____________________------------------->> 0.00000001 DASH = (also would be) 10 nanoDASH or 10nD <<<<<<<< smallest unit not used

Capitalisation in the correct places is important also :-D

side note: With DASH set to max out around 16-18 million units........
- That will be equal to 1.6 - 1.8 Quadrillion duff units :-D and enough for everybody on the face of the earth

Using current rough numbers .......

0.7 Quadrillion duff units
------------------------------- divided by = about 103,000 duff units / person
7 Billion World Pop.


edit: a bit ugly - I tried to line it up - lol
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I partly disagree.

You have to be able to buy a food and things with your current money.
The money in dollar, euro, yen or other local currency, you earned by working.
You know exacly how much you can spend each month.
We want the price of things to fit on the label and be human readable.
Consumers must be able to easilly understand and interpret the price. Is it cheap or expensive?
So in this world we don't need to know how much 1 dash is.
If everybody converted to local currency, than there is no problem.
Everybody can receive it, use it and spend it, like "real" money.

If Dash is so big it can overtake local currencies then we need to price articles in Dash.
I think by then in µDash.

In the end I think everybody feels the most comfortable with their own local currency.

BTW: Dash is brand of washpowder here in the Nederlands from the firm Procter & Gamble.
So i can buy then, Dash washpowder with Dash money. Then you can really do money laundering. ;-)