How can I store DASH on Trezor?


New member
Is there any tutorial: how to integrate trezor with Dash? When I downloaded the latest version TREZOR, there wasn't dash'soft.
1. Setup your trezor on mytrezor website.

2. Download the electrum-dash wallet from the dash website under downloads.

3. Plug in trezor then launch electrum-dash.

4. Choose create new wallet and select hardware wallet and click next.

5. Trezor should be selected so just click next again.

6. On the server connection screen just accept the default auto connect option and click next.

7. It should ask to enter the trezor pin, enter it then click ok and it will create your dash wallet.

I'd post links but can't yet, sorry.
Just want to confirm that matrix961's directions are spot-on. I just did this recently and it works like a charm.