How can I contribute?


New member
I am new to the cryptocurrency community, getting involved with bitcoin for the first time several months ago and now have been introduced to darkcoin. So far I have only been a 'lurker' in the community, but I'd really like to be able to contribute.

What skills, programming languages, etc should I learn and what does the community need? What are some good, helpful projects?
I don't bring too much to the table right now: an A+ certification, long expired CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certificate, and some basic Python and Visual Basic programming skills.
I am new to the cryptocurrency community, getting involved with bitcoin for the first time several months ago and now have been introduced to darkcoin. So far I have only been a 'lurker' in the community, but I'd really like to be able to contribute.

What skills, programming languages, etc should I learn and what does the community need? What are some good, helpful projects?
I don't bring too much to the table right now: an A+ certification, long expired CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certificate, and some basic Python and Visual Basic programming skills.

Feel like writing a stratum server for NOMP and p2pool?
lol key00 im like you. i dont know how to write code so im left with making memes and posting what others call spam.
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An important question that sometimes comes up in job interviews- what do you want be doing? After you answer that question, you can develop the skill set to do it.
lol key00 im like you. i dont know how to write code so im left with making memes and posting what others call spam.

A coin need much more than programmers. There is a lot of work to be done in promoting (both to users and businesses) that goes well beyond that. This a work that requires to go out there and engage with people, to prepare materials and to have a really thick skin to stand the rejection.